Gobi Searching

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Gobi Searching

  1. Go to the Acquisitions homepage.

  2. Click on Gobi (in the common links toolbar).

  3. Enter Account Number, user ID and password. Click go.

  4. At the top of the page there is a quick search bar, search here by ISBN.

  5. If you have searched by ISBN, then a matching record should open right up.

  6. If you do not have an ISBN, change your search option to title and search by title.

  7. If the title search returns no matching results try searching by author's name (if the information is available).

  8. Ideally your record should appear close to the top of the results. When determining a match use the following criteria:

    • Title

    • Sub-title

    • Author

    • Publisher

    • Paperback/Cloth

    • ISBN

  9. If you have a correct matching record, add it to your order cart.  

  10. If you can't get down to one record based on these criteria, use Amazon, Google, or even the publisher to find more information about the item..

  11. If your record has any of the follow as the status:

    • The statement Out of Print - do a quick Amazon or Barnes and Noble search.  If the item cannot be found, place the order in the OP tray for later when a more thorough search can be done.

    • The statement Out of Stock - place the order anyway.

    • The statement "Not Yet Published" -place the item in the Not Yet Published tray to be filed for later searching.

    • The statement non-return/non-cancel - try Barnes and Noble and Amazon. If the item is available then order it that way. If not readily available, then order through GOBI.

  12. If you didn't find a record at all (GOBI, Barnes and Noble, Amazon) then proceed with a publisher inquiry.

  13. To start over with a new search, enter your information in the search bar at the top of the page or select standard search.

    Ordering in GOBI

  1. After all orders have been searched, click on the "order cart" link in the top right of the screen.

  2. Highlight the first item on the list by clicking on the left hand side. Next click"enter order details (button in top middle of screen)

  3. When the order details screen opens the following information MUST be filled in.

    • Subaccount - 7543-10 US Firm orders (subaccount 7543-08 bypass will be used for Special Collections, Serials and Replacement items )

    • Fund Code - match to fund on order form

    • Department Code - BC-BC

    • Vendor ID Code - BC-YBPUS

  4. Add the system # (if you have one) and any library notes (e.g. hold for John Smith) in the appropriate fields.

  5. Click save and go to the next order.

  6. When all orders have had their information enter, click on the "order green lights" button in the top middle of the page. This sends the orders to YBP. It will take at least 2 days to be loaded into our catalog.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian