Deleting Cancelled Orders in Aleph

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Deleting Cancelled Orders in Aleph

  • Sign onto the Aleph Acquisitions Serials module and switch to the Order Search tab. It is the one with the picture of a file folder.

  • Highlight index list under order search. The following fields should be filled in:

    • Index - should be title

    • Sublibrary - should be BC-BC

    • Order Status - should be VC

  • Once the fields are filled in, click Refresh Filter.

  • This step may take a few minutes.

  • If you get a message that the server failed to execute, click OK and Refresh Filter again. It may take several attempts before the file loads.

  • The orders will appear alphabetically. Highlight the first order and click select.

  • Check to make sure that the arrival status and invoice status are still "NONE". If it is anything different, print the record and give it to the Acquisitions Librarian. (Remember, you print the record by clicking "Print/Cancel" and selecting "Record Information Only")

  • We know that the order has been cancelled. Now we need to make sure the paperwork for the order is where it should be. The library notes field should help us with this task. If the item was a RUSH then the order should be in front of the Special Ordering Technician's desk where it is searched weekly. Collection Building orders should be in the Out-of-Print File.

  • If there is no paperwork for the order then we need to email the faculty member. In the email we want to identify the item requested, the date of the order, and ask if the item is still wanted.

  • If all paperwork is where it should be, meaning it is still being searched in accordance with our procedures, then we can delete the order from Aleph. To do this click delete. You will then need to click "yes"for being sure you want to delete and "yes" again for deleting items attached to the order.

  • After the order is deleted in Aleph bring up the bib record in catalogusmai. If there are no longer items attached, print out the MARC tags view and give it to the Database Maintenance Librarian with a note to delete. Proceed with the next order in the file. (just click on the tab with the file folder)

  • Once you have finished deleting orders with a status of "VC" go back and repeat the procedure, this time using order status "LC". This should be done until all orders with a staus of LC,VC, DNB, and CNB have been deleted.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian