Monitoring Web Orders

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Monitoring Web Orders

Notice wording should be modified as needed to fit the situation.

  1. Open Microsoft Access 2003.

  2. Open the file I:\Orders\bookRequest2new.

  3. In the "Objects" column, click on "Forms."

  4. Double click on "Main Interface."


  1. Click "New Rush Orders".

  2. New rush orders will appear.

Rush 1st notice:

  1. Find the e-mail of the liaison for the department.

    • E-mail the liaison making the subject line "Urgent: Rush Orders Awaiting your Approval."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] rush orders in the the web order system. Please log in to the web order system at http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/cgi-bin/bookapprove.pl and approve these orders. Thank you."

    • Input the date you sent the notice into the manual notice field of the "New Rush Orders" report.

Rush 2nd notice:

  1.  If two days have passed since you sent the first notice, and the orders still have not been approved, e-mail the liaison a second time. If we have just had a weekend or a holiday, allow an extra day before sending the second notice.

    • Use the subject line "Urgent: Rush orders need approval - 2nd notice"

    • The text of the email should read the same as before.

    • Again, add the date to the manual notice field of the "New Rush Orders" report.

Rush 3rd notice:

  1. If 4 days have passed since you sent the first notice, and the orders still have not been approved, email the collection Management Librarian.

    • The subject line should read "Urgent: Rush Orders Need Approval."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] rush orders for [Department] that have been awaiting approval since [Date]. Would you review them, please?"

    • Add the date of the 3rd notice to the manual notice field in the "New Rush Orders" report.

  2. Click the small x in the upper right hand corner of the "New Rush Orders" report to close it.

Regular Orders

  1. Click "All New Orders."

  2. All new orders will appear.

1st notice:

  1. Find the e-mail of the liaison for the department.

    • E-mail the liaison making the subject line "Orders Awaiting your Approval," or if there are priority orders, "Urgent: Priority Orders Awaiting Your Approval."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] orders in the the web order system. These orders include [number] priority orders. Please log in to the web order system at http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/cgi-bin/bookapprove.pl and appove these orders. Thank you."

    • Input the date you sent the notice into the manual notice field in the "All New Orders" report.

2nd notice:

  1. If there are priority orders, send the 2nd notice after 2 days have passed. If there are no priority orders, wait 1 week before sending the 2nd notice to the department liason.

    • Use subject line "Orders Awaiting your Approval - 2nd notice," or if there are priority orders, "Urgent: Priority Orders Awaiting Your Approval - 2nd notice."

    • The text of the email should read the same as before.

    • Again, add the date to the manual notice field of the "All New Orders" report.

3rd notice:

  1. If there are priority orders and 4 days have passed since the first notice, send the 3rd notice to the Collection Manager Librarian. If there are no priority orders, wait 2 weeks from the original notification before emailing the Collection Manager librarian.

    • Use the subject line "Urgent: Priority Orders Need Approval." or "Orders Need Approval."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] priority orders for [Department] that have been awaiting approval since [Date] and [Number] regular orders for [Department] that have been waiting approval sine [Date]. Would you review them, please?"

    • Add the date of the3rd notice to the manual notice field in the "All New Orders" report.

  2. Click the small x in the upper right hand corner of the "All New Orders" report to close it.

Orders on Hold

  1. Click "Orders on Hold after 90 Days."

  2. Order that have been on hold for 90 or more days will appear.

1st notice:

  1. Find the e-mail of the liaison for the department.

    • E-mail the liaison making the subject line "Orders on HOld."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] orders in the the web order system that have been on hold since [Date]. While you may keep them on hold indefinitely, we wanted to remind you that those orders are still there." You may log in to the web order system at http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/cgi-bin/bookapprove.pl and click "Held for Review" to review those orders. Thank you."

    • Input the date you sent the notice into the manual notice field in the "Orders on HOld after 90 Days" report.

2nd (and subsequent) notices:

  1. After the 1st notice, send additional notices every 6 months.

    • Find the e-mail of the liaison for the department.

    • E-mail the liaison making the subject line "Orders on HOld."

    • The text of the e-mail should read: "There are [Number] orders in the the web order system that have been on hold since [Date]. While you may keep them on hold indefinitely, we wanted to remind you that those orders are still there." You may log in to the web order system at http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/cgi-bin/bookapprove.pl and click "Held for Review" to review those orders. Thank you."

    • Input the date you sent the notice into the manual notice field in the "Orders on HOld after 90 Days" report.

    • Click the small x in the upper right hand corner of the "Orders on Hold after 90 Days" report to close it.

    • Click "Exit" to leave the Web Order System.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian