Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Monthly Statistics

Completing the monthly statistics

Separate and Sort the Stat Sheets
  • Obtain all statistic sheets and separate by person and put in order by date.

  • Make sure each person has turned in the appropriate number of sheets. If not, check with the person to be sure they did not forget to turn it in.

  • Check that the totals on the sheets are accurate.

  • Obtain the exporting statistics from the cataloging librarian.
    Enter statistics into the Search Stats excel file for the current fiscal year. (I:\ACQ\AcqStatistics)

  • There is a separate spreadsheet for each person. Click on the tab showing the correct name.

  • Scroll down the page until you reach the current month. Enter the appropriate dates (i.e. 6/1-6/5) in the columns under the name of the month.

  • Enter the numbers from the stat sheet into the corresponding field. The total will appear at the bottom of the columns. Enter the exporting statistics directly into the total field.

  • Scroll to the top of the page. Check that the numbers in the monthly totals match the numbers you entered.

  • Repeat this process for each person.

  • Once all numbers have been input, check for accuracy. Then click on the FY totals tab.

  • Again, scroll down to the appropriate month. Check that totals in these fields are as they should be.

  • Once all numbers are entered and you are sure that the information is accurate in all changed fields, print the stats page for each person for that month only. Viewing each individual spreadsheet in Page Break Preview will allow you to see which page you need to print.

  • Paperclip each printout to the front of the stat sheets for that individual.

  • Save and close the file.
    Obtain Order totals for the month

  • Obtain the total number of web orders for the month.

    • Open the Microsoft access file Bookrequest2new and enter the main interface(Forms)

    • Click on "Cleared by Acq. Report" and enter the first and last day of the appropriate month.

    • Print the report.

  • Obtain the total number of BNA forms for the month.

    • Open the Microsoft access file named Statdb, holding down the shift button as you do so.

    • Open "The Months Orders" in design view.

    • Enter the appropriate start and end date. Close and save.

    • Open "Totals by Form"

    • Print the report.
      Enter the statistics into Monthly Stats excel file for the current fiscal year.

  • Open the file, when it prompts you to update, click yes.

  • Scroll down to Book requests in Acq.

  • Enter in the order totals from the forms you printed into the appropriate field.

  • Scroll up, be sure that the numbers in all other sections match those that you entered into the search stats file.

  • If everything matches, print all pages.

  • Save and close.

  • Attach all paperwork together. Monthly totals on top, followed by order totals, then individual totals. Place in the Acquisitions librarian's inbox.

Creating Files for the New Fiscal Year
  • Create copies of the current search stats and monthly stats files and rename them for the new fiscal year.

  • Open the new search stats file.

  • Delete any tabs that will no longer be needed.

  • Clear monthly data in all remaining tabs.

  • In the totals tab, correct any broken formulas resulting from deleted tabs.

    • A whole set of formulas can be changed by highlighting all fields and holding control while pushing enter.

  • Change tab titles, headings and headers. Save and close.

  • Open the new monthly stats file. Do not update.

  • Change formulas to draw from new search stats file and delete data from last 3 columns of Book requests.

  • Save and close.

Adding a New Tab
  • Right click an existing tab.

  • Select Move or Copy.

  • Check the Create a Copy.S

  • elect the location for the new tab and click ok.

  • Clear data and change the tab title, headings and header.

Changing a Header
  • While the tab to be changed is open, click View, then Headers and Footers.

  • Click Custom Header.

  • Edit or insert the appropriate header.

  • Click ok.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian