Regular Order Follow-up (BNA)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Regular Order Follow-up (BNA)

  1. Sign onto the Aleph Acquisitions Serials module and switch to the Order Search tab. It is the one with the picture of a file folder.

  2. Highlight index list under order search. Fill in the following information in the pane to the right. 

    • Index - V (vendor code)

    • Order Status - SV

    • Enter Starting Point - BC-YBPUS

    • Fill in the "From" Order Date and "To" Order date to match time period you are following up on.

  3. Click refresh filter  (this may take a while).

  4.  A list of open orders will appear.

  5. Highlight first order on list and click select. This will open the order in Aleph. 

  6. Search for the item in GOBI. When you search for the title, a record of our order should appear on the right hand side of the screen.

    • If order status is shipped - no need to continue because item should be on its way.

    • If order status is open then our order has not been filled. Try to find the item with Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

    • If no record of our order appears, try to find the item with Barnes and Noble or Amazon

  7. If an item is available in 3 days or less from Barnes and Noble or Amazon, we will cancel our order with YBP and reorder from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

  8. Search items not available in 3 days or less from Barnes & Noble or Amazon in the publisher's database to establish availability, or do an inquiry. If item is available direct from the publisher, we will cancel our order withYBP and re-order directly from the publisher.

  9. Once the orders have been cancelled with YBP, edit the orders in Aleph to match the new vendor, price, etc.

  10. Click update to save the order and then click send.

  11. Continue down list in aleph until all orders have been searched

    To Cancel YBP Orders

  1. Write an email and send it to our YBP Rep. The email should have the subject "umbc cancellation request" and include the title and ISBN for all items you wish to cancel.

  2. Our YBP will email you back when the cancellations have been taken care of. She will let you know if there were any problems.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian