OP CD Searching

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

OP CD Searching

  • Check the OP tray for any new OP CD orders. Start by verifying that the CD is OP by checking various sources like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the labels web site.

    • If you find a new copy of the CD, follow normal ordering procedures.

    • If you verify that the CD is out of print, follow the procedures below.

  • Check the OP file and get the oldest search file that contains orders. For example, if it is February, and the May and November files contain orders, search the May folder and then the November folder.

  • Since these are old orders, begin by searching USMAI according to normal procedures to make sure that we have not already received the title.

    1. Start by searching Amazon Classical Music
      It is okay to order from Amazon sellers for OP CDs. Click on _ (number) new & used to access this if the item is available.

      • Search using the catalog number.

      • If records are not found using the catalog number or if the catalog number is unavailable, try using different combinations of the composer, performers, label, and album title to bring up a record.

      • If you still cannot find the CD, check to see if the requestor provided a link or an ASIN(which will usually be in the ISBN field of the order form).

        • If you find more than one copy available, choose the best available by comparing price and condition.

        • Also, check the sellers rating to be sure that they are reliable.

        • Print the Amazon product detail page(s) and the Amazon Marketplace page(s) with the price and vendor name visible.

        • Highlight the price of the CD to be ordered.

      • If Amazon Classical search turns up no results, try searching Popular Music Search by Artist, Title, or label.

    2. If not found on Amazon, search the following sites by different combinations of Catalog number, label, composer, performers, album title, and work titles.

    3. If you still have not found a copy, check the remaining Amazon sites.
      Please Note: Avoid purchasing from foreign Amazon Marketplace sellers if possible. Be sure there are no other copies available first.

      • Amazon Canada

      • Amazon UK

      • Amazon Germany

      • Amazon France

        • If more than one copy is available compare by price and condition to choose the best one.

        • Also check the sellers rating to be sure they are reliable.

        • Print the Amazon product detail page(s) and the Amazon Marketplace page(s) with the price and vendor name visible.

    4. If the item we are seeking is not available from any of the above vendors, search Google.

      • Try different combinations. The label and catalog number together can sometimes bring up relevant records. If this doesn't work, try searching for the title and composer.

      • Print any pages containing product details, taking care to g

    5. to locate the music label's website.

      • Search for the work on the company website.

      • If it is listed as available, print any pages containing product details, taking care to get the condition of the CD on the printout if it is used, and the seller's details.

    6. If a website for the label is not found or they do not have the CD, try to find contact information for the composer. A search of the title and the composer's name may bring up a current resume or contact information for the author.

      • Print any relevant information. If an email address is available and the item is not available from other sources, give the order to your supervisor.

  • If no record is found of the item anywhere, record your searches on the Out-of-Print slip and refile the order under the current month in the OP CD file.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian