Catalog USMAI Searching Procedures

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Catalog USMAI Searching Procedures

Search the order in catalogusmai database via the WebPac (http://catalog.umd.edu/) by Title, Author, and ISBN until you find a matching record.

Searching the USMAI database will be done for three reasons:

  1. Determining if a BIB record is present.

  2. Determining if the order is a DUP, i.e. the item is already held by UMBC.

  3. Identifying items which fall into categories requiring special handling, such as reprints, replacement orders, added volume orders, and added copy orders. (This is for those items that we could not readily identify when sorting the orders for searching)

BIB Prelim. (Note: Date and initial all searches!)
  • Do a browse search, by clicking on "Advanced Search" then scrolling down, for the item by ISBN, Title, and Author, until you find a matching record.

  • Be sure to view all possible matching records. If more than one seems to match, record a bib ?.

  • Be sure to view the full record by clicking on either the title or on "Full Record."

  • If the record either matches or partially matches the order, click on "Marc Tags" and print the record in Marc Tag View.

  • If a matching BIB record is not present, record a BIB null.

  • If a matching BIB record is present, and the bib record has any of the following, record a bib ? (it may be an added volume order):

    • A description field with a v. (abbreviation for volume) in it. Example of normal description field:

      Examples of description fields with a v.:


    • An open publication date (eg., 1960-) Example of a normal published field:

      Example of a published field with an open publication date:

    • A range of publication dates (1980-2002)

    • volume numbering in brackets after the ISBN.

    • A note indicating the contents of volumes or the titles of volumes.

  • If a matching BIB record is present, and the bib record can be classified as any of the following, record a bib ?:

    • Marc Tag view shows the record to be an "ACQ-CREATED" record.

    • Marc Tag view shows the record to be an "Item Created" record.

    • Marc Tag view shows the record to be a "Prompt Cat" record. A simple way to identify the above records is by their length. When you view the full record of the item it is usually only a few lines long and is most likely missing valuable information, such as author and publisher. A look at the marc tag view should include 1 of the above phrases. Record a ? so that it can be sent to cataloging for overlaying later.

  • If the ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher, Year, and Edition all match, record a Bib Check.

  1. Click on the availability field on all matching record to see which libraries hold the item.

  2. If the record has a UMBC holding, write the call number and collection on the order form.

  3. If you see any of the following notes on the availability screen, record a question mark.

    • "Order Cancelled"

    • "Cancelled"

    • "Lost"

    • "Missing"

    • "Lost, To be Replaced"

    • "Missing, To be Replaced"

    • "Damaged, To be Replaced"

    • "In Transit"

    • If you see a call number, "In process", or "On order", record a "check" mark.

    • If no matching BIB record is present, or UMBC(or a USMAI library*) does not hold the item, record a DUP null.


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian