Added Copies

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Added Copies

Added copies are orders for a 2nd copy of items we already own, or an order for two copies of an item that we don't already own. When searching these, we need to insure that we end up with the correct number of copies and that the copies are located in the right place. Additionally, catalogers need to be informed that they are deliberate added copies as opposed to the erroneous purchase of a duplicate copy.

All added copy order require the authorization of a librarian. Robin Moskal must approve faculty and liaison requests for 2nd copies or for two or more copies via her signed initials on the order specifically authorizing the 2nd copy. If she decides that we should not order a 2nd copy, ask her to please notify the faculty member of her decision.

2nd copies are often for the Faculty/Staff Collection (Fac/Staf). Items ordered for Fac/Staff should include the faculty or staff members name in the library notes. This information should be provided to us in the order. If it's not there, give the order to the Acquisitions Librarian.

  1. Search the actual item being ordered and record a bib decision.

  2. If you found a matching bib record, click availability.

  3. If you find UMBC holdings, compare the number and location of items already owned, and determine what we still need to order:

    • If we must order 2 copies:

      • Write "Two Copies" on the order.

      • If there are differences in how the two copies are to be ordered, cataloged, or processed, note the differences between the two copies on the order. If the two copies are to be ordered on different funds, indicate on the order: "Copy 1 on FUND, Copy 2 on FUND," eg. "Copy 1 on REF, Copy 2 on LG". If the two copies are to be ordered for different collections, indicate on the order "Copy 1 for COLLECTION, Copy 2 for COLLECTION," eg. "Copy 1 for Fac/Staff, Copy 2 for Stacks".

    • If we must order 1 copy in order to own 2 copies:

      • Write "Added Copy" on the order.

      • If the 2nd copy is being purchase for a specific location, include with the added copy notation on the order "Copy 2 for COLLECTION," eg. "Added Copy - Copy 2 for FACSTAFF - Jim McFaculty."

    • If we need not order any copies because we already own 2:

      • Notify the CM librarian if necessary, otherwise disregard.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian