Collection Building NYP (item not yet ordered)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Collection Building NYP (item not yet ordered)

Note: This procedure is for orders NOT yet placed because GOBI or another database has given it a "Not Yet Published" status.

  • Each week, gather the orders from the Not Yet Published tray in front of the High Volume Ordering Technician's desk.

  • Search the titles in catalogusmai to ensure that we have not received a copy or that an order does not already exist. If it appears that there may be an order, search the title in Aleph. If an order for the title is in Aleph, the discard the order printout.

  • If there is a record for the title in catalogusmai, make note of the system number on the web order printout.

  • Re-search each order in GOBI. If the title is now available from GOBI, highlight the title and move it to the order cart

  • Re-search each order that is left in Amazon. If the title is now available from Amazon, in 3 days or less , order the title from Amazon.
    It is important that you check the availability time. If Amazon shows an item available, but the time is 1 to 2 weeks then it really is not available to purchase.
    If Amazon shows a new publication date, mark that on the BRF and return it to the NYP file.

  • If the book is not found on Amazon or if the original not yet published decision was based on an Amazon search, search the order on Barnes and Noble. If the title is now available from Barnes & Noble in our allowable time frame, order the title from Barnes and Noble.

  • If the item is not available from Barnes and Noble or Amazon, try searching for the item with the publisher. Hopefully by searching a publisher's online catalog you can determine the publication status. If the publisher's website shows that a title was recently published, feel free to order the item from GOBI.
    If you cannot find any information about the title from the publisher's website, please contact them by email, phone, or fax to determine the item's availability.

  • Keep the orders waiting for responses together in one place. If the publisher has not responded in two weeks, you will need to follow up.

  • File the original order and attached paperwork in the NYP file.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian