Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Establishing a New Fund
Web Order System
(for book funds only--skip this step if establishing a serials fund)
Establish the new fund:
Use Microsoft Access to open BookRequest2New.mdb.
Use the drop-down to switch the left pane to tables, if not already on tables.
Double-click on Depts to open it.
Go to the end of the table and find the first blank line.
Click into the DeptName field and put in the name of the new department.
Click into or tab to the Hide field. If you want department for the public to select when submitting requests, input a 0. If you want the department to be hidden from the public and only available to the liaison and requestors, input -1.
Click into or tab into the FundCode field. Input the fund code you're going to use.
In FundNotes, input any special information regarding the fund.
In the Fund_Type field, input an appropriate type. Fund types are: Special, Dept., Sub-Dept., Library, obs., Account, Transfer, and Test.
Leave the Balance and Balance_Date fields blank. If it's a departmental or transfer fund, notify Tricia so that she'll do weekly updates of it's balances.
Close the Departments table (the new record saves automatically).
Assign the new liaison/selector:
Use the drop-down to switch the left pane to forms.
Double-click on Main Interface to open it.
Use "Look for a User" to see if the person is already in the system. If not, use "Input a User" to enter them.
Click on "Assign the New Selector."
Scroll to the bottom to find the first blank line.
Use the drop-down to select your new department.
Use the drop-down to select the user.
Use the drop-down to select a Function.
Special funds, either foundation funds or transfer funds, require a hierarchical set-up in materials, plus a budget in revenues. Find a similar budget to use as a model, and copy its structure.
Open the Acquisitions/Serials module.
Click on the cup holder to go to Administration.
Click on Budgets to go Budgets.
Find a similar budget that is ACTIVE to duplicate. To see the active UMBC Budgets, set the Status field to AC, set the Search Mode to browse, and type BC in the search box.
Wait a very, very long time. This is normal. Don't start over, it will still take a very, very long time.
Highlight the budget you want to duplicate and click Duplicate.
Department should be set to Library.
External name is the old account number preceeding Peoplesoft. This are incorrect but can be ignored.
Type in the new budget code. Insure that it begins with BC-18 for books or BC-26 for serials, and end with the year (eg. -2008)
Modify the parent budget to be correct. For main budget, the parent budget is always the book budget (BC-MAT-BOOK-PAR), or the serials budget (BC-MAT-SER-PAR). For sub-budgets, as with a special fund, the Parent budget is the parent budget.
Budget type is BCREG when no monthly reports are needed. When monthly reports are needed, use BCEND. Monthly reports are required for all foundation funds, so BCEND should be used on all Foundation Fund expenditure budgets.
Delete the duplicated Budget Name and enter an appropriate one.
Remaining fields should be ignored.
Click on tab 2. Examine the "Expressed as a Percentage" and "Limit to Under Exp./Enc" buttons and the values in the Max Over/Under encumber and expend fields. Determine if values will appropriately allow and control spending on the account and modify as necessary.
Click Add.
If the budget has an allocation, use the procedure for setting allocations to set it.
If you'll be placing YBP orders against the fund, revise the YBP EDI relationship map. The current relationship map is here: Relationship Map/YBP Tech Specs
Spreadsheet for Reimbursable Funds (Foundation Endowment Account and Spending Accounts)
Find FoundationFund[current year].xlxs in Box Acq Stuff and open in Excel.
Write click on a tab and select insert to create a new worksheet. Repeat.
Write click on the new worksheets to rename with the new fund name, with one sheet named new fund months and the other named new fund balance.
Copy an existing months speadsheet to the existing months spreadsheet. Clear any content.
Copy an existing balance speadsheet to the existing months spreadsheet. Correct any content using the starting amount of the new fund.
Notify all Acquisitions Staff and Student about the new fund via an e-mail to the acq list
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian