Closeout Schedule 2022

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Closeout Schedule 2022

Wednesday, June 1

This is the last day to submit Requisitions and Purchase orders for FY2022 - this now includes Amazon orders.

Friday, June 3

Jen submits RX to have EDI invoices, serials invoices and shelf ready loaders turned off before close-out and turned on again after close-out.

Jen also requests the foundation fund reports be run before closeout.

Also need to inform EBSCO.

Monday, June 6

EDI invoices, serial invoices and shelf ready loaders are turned off.

Jen checks the "N" report and resolves any very old invoices remaining on it.

Thursday, June 9

Jen transfers revenues funds to materials as appropriate.

Tuesday, June 14

Last day for VISA orders - streaming purchases, charged immediately.

Friday, June 17

Campus deadline for P-card charges.

Last day to enter new invoices in Aleph - all invoices must be "R".

Jen checks the "N" report and insures that any invoices remaining on it are "R" or "P" by the end of the day.

Jen closes any previous fiscal year budgets that are still active. Jen checks budget records setup: Budget code: XX-code-year, CP-ITD-2003, Budget type - XXREG, XXEND, XXGIF, XXGRA, annual budget box checked.

Monday, June 20

Campus is closed

Tuesday, June 21

Today's "N" report should be blank.

Last day to "P" invoices in Aleph. - Must be P in PAW

Jen does final transfer of appropriate revenue funds to materials.

Jen reconciles revenues.

confirm transfer and monograph carryover funds with Shawny

Wednesday, June 22

Today's "N", "R" and "P" reports should be blank.

Jen sets final FY22 departmental balances.

print out final budget summary.

Thursday, June 23

send email about closeout to staff

Friday, June 24

No staff may log into Acquisitions, Serials or Administration. Jen will print all reports in the morning ("N" and "R" must be blank).

All usernames beginning with Z will be disabled and ITD runs Foundation Fund Reports and End of Year Closeout.

Jen notifies Acquisitions and Serials when closeout is completed.

Jen prints and checks any closeout reports.

Jen makes any necessary changes to fund codes/names.

Jen sets allocations and over-encumber and over-expend thresholds for books (after closeout is completed).

Jen sets allocations for serials.

Budgets must be allocated by this date. (has to be done before loaders can be turned on).

Monday, June 27

Jen checks serials allocations.

Jen checks book allocations.

Jen moves leftover FY22 transfer funds and sends requests to hold money to Shawn and Shawny.

Jen sets over-encumber over-expend thresholds for transfer and foundation funds.

Tuesday, June 28

EDI invoices and shelf ready loaders turned back on.

EBSCO turned back on.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian