Mailing Procedures

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Mailing Procedures

Mailing out orders

Orders with a VISA or Barnes & Noble cover sheet never get mailed. All mailed orders must have a number in the Campus P.O.# field. Orders with "VISA," "PO REQ," or "Prepay" in the Campus P.O.# field or orders with EDI in the address never get mailed.

  1. Take P.O.'s from the "P.O.'s >> to be Mailed" Tray.

  2. Detach purple priority flags.

  3. For each P.O. create 2 stacks, one having the P.O.'s and another having the Web Order forms or Collection Manager requests. Any other paperwork can be recycled.

  4. Put the Web forms and Collection Manager requests in the "Ordered" file of the mailing tray.

  5. Make 2 copies of each PO

  6. Separate the P.O.'s according to vendor.

  7. Staple the original and one (1) copy together and put them in the "Open assorted vendors to be filed" tray.

  8. Put the remaining P.O.'s in an envelope, one for each vendor. Put an address label on the envelope and do not seal.

  9. Put the envelopes back in the "P.O.'s >> to be Mailed" tray for review by a staff.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian