Mailing orders with Harrassowitz and Puvill approval slips

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Mailing orders with Harrassowitz and Puvill approval slips

  1. Take the Harrassowitz or Puvill form orders from the "P.O.'s to be Mailed" Tray.

  2. Separate the purchase order and the form, making two stacks, and being careful to keep them in order. Discard any other paperwork that is attached to them.

  3. Make two copies of the purchase orders, again being careful to keep them in order.

  4. Make a copy of each each form order, again being careful to keep them in order.

  5. Staple together two copies of the P.O. and the copy of the form order.

  6. Staple any flags down the right side of the first P.O., keeping any Refer to the Flag Key located on the receiving table to see which color flag matches which library note or special fund.

  7. Distribute as follows:

    • Put the single purchase orders in an envelope and put an address label on the envelope. Do not seal it. Put the envelopes in the "P.O.'s >>to be Mailed" tray for review by a staff member.

    • Put the P.O.'s and forms stapled together into the "Open assorted vendors to be filed" tray.

    • Put the original form orders in the "Ordered" file of the mailing tray.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian