Printing Orders

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Printing Orders

  1. Open Microsoft Access.
  2. Open the file in this directory: I:\Orders\bookRequest2new.
  3. In the "Objects" column, click on "Forms".
  4. Click on "Main Interface".
  5. Click "Print New Orders". An "Output To" window will open.
  6. Use the "Output To" window to create a back-up file of the orders you'll be printing. Give the back-up file a name based on the day of the week, such as "Order Backup Mon.rtf," and save the back-up file to any convenient location, such as on your C:. When you click "Ok," if you will be overwriting a file from last week, a window will open asking you if it's ok to overwrite last week's file. We try to keep the back-up files for a week, but it's ok to overwrite the back-ups once they're a week old, so you can click "Yes" to overwrite the file.
  7. Note the number of orders listed on the "Find Approved Before Printing Began: Select Query" Window.
  8. Wait for a few seconds while Access outputs the orders to a report. When it's done, a window labeled "ApprovedOrders" will open.
  9. Print the "ApprovedOrders" report. *

    Do NOT close the report until all orders have printed.

  10. Check the report cover sheet and make sure that you have the number of pages indicated on it. If you don't have the correct number of pages, fix the problem with the printer and print the missing pages.
  11. Close the "ApprovedOrders" window.
  12. A "Requests Query 2: Select Query" window will open. Insure that the number of orders changing to status 3 matches the number of orders that showed earlier in the "Find Approved Before Printing Began: Select Query" Window.
  13. A window will open saying "You are about to run an update query that will modify the data in your table".
    • If the numbers match, click "Yes." The main interface will open back up. Click "Exit" to leave the web order system.
    • If the numbers don't match, click "No." The main interface will open back up. Click "Exit" to leave the web order system. Throw away the orders you just printed, wait a half-hour, and try again.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian