Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Checking and Sorting Student catalogusmai Searching--Check, Check

Check the following on each order:
  • Stamping and notations should have been done correctly. Catalogusmai searching should include notations with the date and initials.

  • Bookis the only format. Move any that are for non-book materials (DVD, VHS, Microform, plays, music CD, CD-Rom, DVD, and music scores) to the appropriate tray.

  • BIB Check, Dup Check is recorded on the order. Move any that fit another category to the appropriate box.

  • Complex Searching / Special Handling itemsaren't included with these. This includes: reprints, replacement orders, added volume orders, and added copy orders. Put anything you find in the Complex Searching / Special Handling tray.

It is especially important to insure that you don't inadvertantly return orders for 2nd copies and replacements because they are duplicates.

  • Special notations written onto the orders or included in the order, such as "only if no other edition" or "paperback," should be examined to insure that they have been appropriately considered. Re-search if necessary.

  • The collection and call number should be written on the order.

  • The year at the end of the call number should match the imprint year.

  • The work of new students must be examined even more carefully. Re-search and confirm that the record found is an exact bibliographic match and that the campus, holdings, and the call number have been appropriately transcribed, and that any special status information such as On Order, In Process, Order Cancelled, and Lost have been appropriately transcribed.

  • Distribute as follows:

    • "On order" or "in process" items go in the Already on Order mailing slot.

    • "Lost" or "Missing" items with a note saying "To be Replaced" to in the Complex Searching/Special Handling tray.

    • "Lost" or "Missing" without a note saying "To be Replaced," go to the Acquisitions Librarian.

    • All other statuses go in the "Already in Library" mailing slot.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian