Designated Property Custodian

Designated Property Custodian


This form exists for the purpose of notifying Inventory Control of changes in a department's designated property custodian(s) in order that the staff may update the Custodian List.

How to fill out the form

Web Form: 

  1. To begin the DocuSign/RT process click here
  2. The New Property Custodian must:
    • Enter the appropriate contact information for the role of Approver.
    • Choose whether they are adding a Property Custodian or Replacing a Property Custodian.
    • If adding a Property Custodian, proceed to step 4. If replacing a Property Custodian, proceed to step 3.
  3.  The form will prompt an answer for whether or not the Current Property Custodian is still employed by UMBC,
    • If the answer to the latter prompt is yes, fill in the Current Property Custodian's contact information in the fields that appear under those of the New Property Custodian.
    • If the answer to the latter prompt is no, fill in the Current Property Custodian's name in the field that appears to the right of the prompt.
  4. The New Property Custodian will select their assigned department in the "Search for Department" field at the bottom of the page.  If the Property Custodian is responsible for multiple departments, select one department.  The other department numbers can be added within the DocuSign form.  
  5. Click the Next button.

Docusign Form:

  • Upon entering the DocuSign form, the names, email addresses, and selected department number that was entered on the webform should be pre-populated.
  • Fill in up to 40 “P/S Dept. Number” that property custodian is assigned.
  • Enter the New Property Custodian's phone EXT.
  • The New Property Custodian must sign.
  • When complete, click Finish.

An email will be generated providing the New Property Custodian with a link to a PDF of the DocuSign form.  If applicable, an email notifying the previously designated Property Custodian of the request will also be generated.  The previously designated Property Custodian will need to review and sign the document.  Finally, an email notifying the Approver will be generated.  The Approver will need to review and sign the document.    

Overall Process:

The completed DocuSign form will trigger an RT ticket to Inventory Control to update the Custodian List.  Once the list has been updated, Inventory Control will close the ticket.

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