Vendor Replacement of Equipment


This form is for departments to report any equipment being replaced by the vendor to Inventory Control.

How to fill out this form:

Web Form:

  • To begin the DocuSign/RT process click here

  • Choose Vendor Replacement of Equipment in the Reason for Adjustment dropdown menu.

  • Click here to check the custodian and approver name for a department in the custodian list. You can also find this list by looking at the useful links on the top right of the DocuSign page.

  • After entering the names, look up the department by the department number or name. After selecting the department from the list, click the Next button.

  • The forms will populate with the necessary fields and prompt you with required fields. There are required attachments. The link to add attachments can be found at the bottom of the form.

  • When complete, submit for approval.

Docusign Form:

  • Requires an attachment: documentation from the vendor, or Returned Material Advice.

  • Requires a comment.

  • Requires a signature.

  • Complete the following information for each piece equipment:

    • UMBC Tag #

    • Item Description

    • Serial Number

Overall Process:

Inventory Control updates Asset Management and resolves the ticket.