Petty Cash Voucher

Petty Cash Voucher

Reasons for Form:

A petty cash fund is available to the campus to reimburse occasional small purchases. The procurement card should always be used when possible to minimize transactions through this fund.


First, the web form link begins with the individual (you) where you will fill out the information asked in the web form. 

Second, you will be redirected to the document where you will fill out the remaining required information.

Third, once completed the form will be sent to the Accounting Office to review and sign for approval.

Resources needed to fill out the form: 

  • Preparer Phone Number

Additional Info.

Policies for Petty Cash Fund:

  • Purchases must be made in cash to be eligible for reimbursement in cash. Purchases made by check or charge card must be reimbursed via the UMBC Request for Reimbursement Form.

  • Reimbursement to any one department is limited to a maximum of $100 per day. (Exceptions are granted on a case by case basis.)

  • All receipts must be dated within 10 business days of the presentation date.

  • Original receipts and a petty cash voucher form must be presented.

  • If more than one PeopleSoft account is being charged on the voucher, a sub-total for each account must be shown on the voucher when it is presented.

  • All paperwork must be presented in person.

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