Authorized Signature Form

Authorized Signature Form


This form exists for the purpose of identifying/verifying the department approver(s) for departments that do not have a verified approver or need to add a new approver.

How to fill out the form

Web Form: 

  1. Begin the DocuSign/Webform 

  2. The Department Requestor must:

    • Enter the appropriate contact information for the role of the Department Head.

  3. Click the Next button.

Docusign Form:

  • Upon entering the DocuSign form, the names, email addresses, and selected department name that was entered on the webform should be pre-populated.

  • Here the department head will decide who the authorized signers are and fill out the necessary fields

  • They will specify these signers who will sign the form

  • When complete, click Finish.

An email will be generated providing the New Property Custodian with a link to a PDF of the DocuSign form.  If applicable, an email notifying the previously designated Property Custodian of the request will also be generated.  The previously designated Property Custodian will need to review and sign the document.  Finally, an email notifying the Approver will be generated.  The Approver will need to review and sign the document.    

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