Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

D card Procedures

The Department card will be used to decrease out of pocket expenses to staff who would like to make an approved purchase on campus. The D card procedures will be followed in conjunction with the UMBC Visa card policy. I will keep a monthly reconciliation of each transaction along with back up documentation.  Staff will be required to get each transaction approved by the supervisor prior to Shawny receiving a request of usages. The D Card can only be used at the following locations Common vision, UMBC Bookstore and The UMBC Skylight. 

The usage of the D card at UMBC’s Common vision will be available for emergency or quick print job that can be completed within days and is ready for pickup

The usage of the D card at UMBC’s Bookstore will only be available if the UMBC Visa card is not available meaning all the funds have been allocated within that billing cycle or fund are allotted for a transaction that has not posted

The usage of the D card at the UMBC’s Skylight will allow staff whom invite candidates/guests onto campus for job interviews or meeting in which lunch is involved; the flexibility of not having to pay out of pocket and then waiting for reimbursement for the guest and themselves

The procedure will be as follow. Staff will submit the request to their supervisor as normal, then staff will forward me the approval to determine the type of need for the card. When submitting the request, I will need back up documentation such as supply list (UMBC Bookstore), Quote (Common vision) and the invite and itinerary for the candidate/guest (UMBC Skylight). This information needs to be submitted to me by email within 24 hours prior to the date needed. If you are having lunch at the Skylight I will make a reservation for the desired time for the staff and guest and email you a confirmation. If you don’t receive an email by me prior to or by the day of please contact me immediately to ensure the request has been completed.  I will handle retrieving of receipts on the back end for each vendor listed. 

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian