Purchasing Card Cardholder Agreement

Purchasing Card Cardholder Agreement

*This form is supposed to be filled out as a part of the “PO_Purchasing Card Packet” but a singular copy is retained just in case only this form needs to be filled out.

This form proceeds as follows: Cardholder → Purchasing Card Supervisor→ Purchasing Card Program Administrator Assistant→ Purchasing Card Program Administrator→ Agency Fiscal Officer

When the Cardholder first comes to the webform, they will need to fill out their Purchasing Card Supervisor’s name and email. They will also need to fill out their department’s name, building, room number, and select their campus location.

When the Cardholder enters the form, they will need to include:

  • The single purchase dollar limit and the dollar limit per monthly billing cycle to fill out in the top section.

  • The FUND, DEPT, P-FIN, & Account numbers of their default chart string.

  • The memo saved from their department head as a PDF which they will attach to this form.


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