PAW Procurement System
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Andrea Mocko
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In order to take action on a request via email, you must fist set up your email approval code (see Setting Up Email Approval Code). Until you do this, your email notifications will contain a warning reminding you to do this.
All enabled suppliers will appear in the Showcases section of your Homepage. These suppliers include:
B&H Photo
VWR International
BIO-RAD Laboratories
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sigma Aldrich
Henry Schein Corp.
HD Supply Facilities
AJ Stationers
Rudolph Office Supply
Some enabled suppliers such as Amazon and Rudolph’s open the punchout window in a new screen. If the new window does not open, check the far right section of your browser window to make sure that pop-ups are enabled for this site.
If you are unable to find your order, it's possible it was never placed. Check your draft carts by going to Shop → My Carts and Orders → View Carts and select the Draft Carts tab.
The University has established a business account with Amazon that includes Prime Shipping. All purchases from this account must be made on behalf of the University. Personal purchases may not be made using the University account.
A link to request a new supplier is available from the home page. This will open a Docusign form to send to the supplier for the necessary information, including a W-9. If you would like Procurement to work with a supplier to enable them in the system, please enter a ticket in RT. Someone in Procurement will reach out to you to discuss the next steps in the process.
PCard Purchases are no longer valid with suppliers that are enabled in the Paw Procurement System. However, you will still use your PCard for other transactions (ie. hotel booking, catering, etc.)
Anyone with the Requester role in PAW can enter a requisition for any department. PPS does not restrict access to chart strings based on your department.
No. You may either be a requester or an approver. This ensures that two people are involved in all transactions.
Students that are working as employees and being paid through human resources are able to access PPS. Students that are not being paid by the University are unable to access the system.
The State of Maryland has restrictions on the length of supplier names, so some suppliers in PAW will have a continuation of their name in parenthesis. This part of the supplier's profile is called Doing Business As (DBA).
Receipts provide an acknowledgement in PPS that the goods/services ordered have been received. There are two kinds of receipts: cost receipts, typically used for non-catalog service orders; and quantity receipts, typically used for tangible goods.
Anyone who has access to PPS is able to enter a receipt. This permission is not limited by role. The individual that actually receives the item or service should enter the receipt in Paw.
While a sole source purchase only requires that you know whether it is being made with Federal funding, providing additional information can streamline the approval process. This includes:
List the specifications, skills, or expertise not available from other suppliers. Why is this supplier the only supplier able to provide the goods or services?
How are these specifications, skills, or expertise essential to the accomplishment of your work or meet an essential business need of the university?
Will you use this item with existing equipment?
Describe other possible sources you investigated.
Confirm that the price is the most favorable price as required by Uniform Guidance.
Try your search with a more generic term. If you are unable to find the exact code that fits, use a similar code. If you will need the code in the future for reporting or tracking, enter a RT ticket indicating the code that needs to be created.
A purchase requisition that is split among multiple departments will require an individual with the authority from each department to approve the requisition. If these are different individuals, the requisition will not proceed to the next approval step until approvals from each of the departments is entered.
Yes, on the Accounting Codes page during the checkout process, scroll down to the Lines section and click the edit button to the right of the line you want to change.
Enabled suppliers have a contract with the University. As a result, there are no purchasing thresholds applicable for these suppliers.
Items should only be marked as “received” in the system if the item has been physically received and is okay. If an item needs to be returned or cancelled, use the quantity receipt option and then select “returned” or “cancelled” in the applicable line drop down. If the item was mistakenly received in the system and needs to be returned, “reopen” the receipt and then modify the receipt as needed to indicate the item to be returned. If a purchase order has already been fully received, fully invoiced, and fully matched, you will be unable to modify the transaction. You will need to work with the account representative for the particular supplier to obtain a credit memo for the item that needs to be returned.
This field is not available for editing on the simple manual entry screen. Instead, click on “summary” under “invoices” and scroll to the end of the page. The commodity code is available for editing in the line information that appears at the end.
Yes, you can access the test system here. You can distinguish the test environment by the bright shading of the menu.