Purchasing Card Missing Receipt

Purchasing Card Missing Receipt

This form is to be used ONLY if the actual receipt, invoice, packing list or internet order form is not available and all attempts to get a secondary receipt from the vendor failed. It will be allowed only in extenuating circumstances. It must be filled out completely and signed by the Cardholder Supervisor. The completed form is to be kept in the cardholder’s transaction log.

*For this form, the Cardholder must know the vendor address and identity, details about the items purchased, the quantity, price of each item, and Cardholder Supervisor name and email.

Once the webform is opened, the first role should be automatically filled out with the name and email of the cardholder initiator. The email and name of the Cardholder Supervisor must also be filled out in order for the form to be sent to them to approve the form. Below these roles, the date of purchase can be filled out when clicking on the textbox, pulling up a calendar where the Cardholder may select the purchase date. The department search bar at the bottom can also be filled out: simply start typing the name of the department, and it will generate matching names which can be selected, revealing the “next” button that will bring them to the DocuSign form.

In the DocuSign form, the boxes in red must be filled out before submitting to the Cardholder Supervisor.  Once Cardholder and Vendor information are completed, the first row of transaction information must be completed. If more items need to be added, the dropdown bar at the right will add another row of text boxes for any other items purchased with the card. Once the form is signed and finished by the Cardholder, it is then immediately sent to the Supervisor to be signed.

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