Guideline 256 - Special Borrower Privileges
Persons not directly affiliated with either UMBC or the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (hereafter USMAI) are ordinarily not permitted to borrow materials from the UMBC library, although they may use certain materials in the Library.
However, in keeping with the University's mission to serve the community, the Library makes its collections and services available to members of the community provided that Library use by the community does not divert staff time or other resources so as to diminish the number and quality of services offered to the Library's primary UMBC and USMAI clienteles.
To maintain such an appropriate balance between services provided for primary clienteles and those provided the community, the following guideline and procedures have been established through which persons not directly affiliated with either UMBC or the USMAI may be extended borrowing privileges at the UMBC library.
Request and approval mechanism:
1.) Requests for borrowing privileges at the UMBC library are to be made at the UMBC Library circulation desk. The borrower card may be granted immediately or deferred, depending on staffing available to approve and process requests. The Head of Circulation or designee have authority to approve requests. All prospective Special Borrowers must present valid, non-expired, government-issued picture identification and provide: name, address, phone number, and social security number (or equivalent). Secondary proof of address is also required.
Valid types of secondary proof of address include:
* Utility Bill (Telephone, Gas, Electric, Water or Cable)
* Credit Card Statement
* Bank Statement
All forms of secondary proof of address must be dated within the last 60 days and show a local address in relation to UMBC.
2.) If borrowing privileges are approved, a Special Borrower's Card may be issued provided appropriate fees are paid. New special borrowers may check out 3 items upon application, once their official card is received in the mail they will have full borrowing privileges depending on their classification. If a card is lost or damaged, the cost for a replacement will be the same as the initial fee. Cards cannot be issued until all applicable fees are received.
Appeals for exceptions to fees must be made in writing to the Head of Circulation or the Director of the Library.
Fees paid for special borrowing privileges or replacement cards are nonrefundable.
3.) Borrowing privileges for high school groups of no more than 45 people will be granted if the high school registration forms are received by the Head of Circulation no later than 8 working days before the group is planning a visit to the library. There will be a $2.00 charge for each card given. The total amount for the group must accompany the list and should be paid with one check made payable to UMBC. See guideline 257 for more details.
Privileges and restrictions applying to Special Borrowers
Persons holding Special Borrower privileges at the UMBC Library are permitted to borrow up to 25 circulating items from UMBC's general circulating collection; non-print media are not included. Most books are loaned for a 28-day period with a limit of 2 renewals; other materials may have a shorter loan period. For more complete information about loan periods for various material, please see Library guideline 253.
Special Borrowers may place online recall requests on titles owned by the UMBC library. They may also renew their borrowed items online, provided no other person has requested it.
Special borrowers do not have off-campus online access to Library databases, nor online full text resources from off-campus. However, in-Library online access to databases and full text resources is available to all after acquiring a daily guest user account. These accounts are available from the Circulation, Reference, Serials, or Media Desks upon presentation of a valid government issued photo ID.
Special Borrowers do not have access to the Digital Media Lab and are not able to borrow equipment through the Equipment Loan Program.
Special Borrowers are subject to all the rules and regulations of the Library. If abused, a Special Borrower's privileges may be suspended by the Head of Circulation or the Director of the Library.
UMBC Special Borrower privileges are granted according to the following guidelines:
| |
Friends of the Library & Gallery may have a maximum of 25 items charged out at a time with a limit of 2 renewals. |
UMCP Alumni are excluded in accordance with UMCP policy |
UMBC Alumni | --- | Must have an alumni card to be eligible for privileges. Old student IDs are not valid for library use after graduation. Lost card replacement cost: $15. Alumni may have a maximum of 25 items charged out at a time with a limit of 2 renewal |
Parents of current UMBC students | $15 | Must show proof that child is enrolled at UMBC. Parents may have a maximum of 25 items charged out at a time with a limit of 2 renewals. |
UMBC Emeritus and |