Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 211 - Hours of Operation

The hours of library operation ("open hours") are determined by the Director of the Library. Changes to the customary hours of operation which are judged significant by the Director are undertaken upon consultation with appropriate University officials and/or the Library Policy Committee.

Issuance of updated schedules of operation is undertaken at the discretion of the Director, as are alterations in the hours of operation of particular library units (e.g., Special Collections, etc.) drawing upon advice of unit head or others as appropriate. Drafts of schedules to be posted/publicized are circulated by Administrative Office staff to unit heads comment and correction before final issue. Hours of operation are then publicized (campus routing, postings, etc) by the Director or designee.

The Director of the Library and designated unit heads establish the work schedules of individual staff so as to most efficiently and effectively offer services during the hours of library and/or unit operations. Individual work schedules and changes are communicated to staff by timely notice or as possible in keeping with provisions of the UMS Personnel Policies and Rules for Classified Employees. Unit heads are responsible for communicating schedule changes to the Library Administrative Offices or other designated staff for department schedule records and use in review of timesheets.

Previously implemented guideline revised 2/12/92; 3/13/03

See guideline 450 concerning building access

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian