Guideline 235 - Retriever Learning Center Patron/User Policies, Rules and Responsibilities
Users are required to swipe their currently active, valid UMBC photo ID cards or be an accompanied guest of a UMBC student, faculty, or staff.
Non-accompanied guests are not permitted and UMBC students, faculty, and staff must swipe for access. Do not open the door for persons knocking or asking for access. Do not admit people you do not know. Access control is the first step to maintaining safety and security within RLC. Report unauthorized users to campus police; (410) 455-5555 or ext. 5-5555 (on campus phone).
The card swipe system identifies card owners and keeps user logs; the video monitoring system retains images of activities in the RLC.
The Retriever Learning Center prohibits activities that:
present health or security risks,
damage library property and resources,
disrupt the academic use of the Retriever Learning Center, or
violate University policy or State Law.
All patrons, including public visitors, are expected to be familiar with and abide by all RLC, Library and University policies, rules, and use requirements.
Who May Use the RLC? Use of the RLC is a privilege provided only to current UMBC students, faculty, and staff, and their guests. This privilege is revocable.
Guests must be accompanied at all times by their UMBC student, faculty, or staff host. Unaccompanied guests are not permitted and will be removed from the RLC. Hosts are responsible for their guests and their actions.
The RLC is NOT a quiet zone, but noise beyond what is needed for group study and ambient sound producing audio devices are not permitted. Please report noise problems to the Library Security Guard, Circulation Desk or
For silent study, find quiet spaces elsewhere in the Library during open hours, especially on floors 5 & 6, which are "Absolutely Quiet" floors.
For your safety and security: (Area is monitored by video cameras)
Call 410-455-5555 or ext. 55555 (on campus phone) to contact University Police. In case of an emergency: use the yellow phone or press panic button in bathroom. NEVER leave items unattended. UMBC is not responsible for any stolen or lost items.
University Police Escort: call 410-455-5555 to arrange for escort to campus housing or car.
Staff may remove unattended bags and for safety and security reasons.
Suspicious, harassing, or threatening behavior should be reported to library staff immediately.
RLC entrances and emergency exits must be kept unobstructed at all times.
RLC & Library users should refrain from behaviors or actions that could endanger their safety or the safety of others.
Personal belongings should not be left unattended at any time. If you notice items left unattended, immediately report it or turn them in at the Security Desk (if guard is unavailable, turn items in at the Circulation Desk).
The RLC is not a residential facility. Overnight sleeping and use of the RLC as housing is prohibited. Bringing bedding or excessive amounts of personal property into the RLC is not permitted.
RLC restrooms are intended to be safe, accessible, and convenient facilities. RLC restrooms are not changing rooms (no changing or washing clothes), grooming areas (no bathing, washing, or shaving), or kitchen areas (no food preparation, dish or utensil washing).
Prohibited in RLC: coffee pots, electric skillets, crock pots, or appliances with open or exposed heating elements or coils such as hotplates, toasters, and toaster ovens.
Patrons found possessing or distributing alcoholic beverages or controlled substances of any type will be required to leave the RLC and Library, and the University Police will be contacted.
Bicycles are not allowed inside the building.
Skateboards must not be used inside the building or at entrances.
Room capacities must be observed.
Access to the lower level is available only from the Library's 2nd floor, using the elevator, or the stairs (near the Serials service desk, next to the Atrium) in the Serials Department.
Library staff and administration reserve the right to enforce these guidelines consistent with University policy, including the UMBC Code of Student Conduct - and Academic Policies/Student Rights and Responsibilities
Please send questions or concerns to
Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian