Guideline 254 - Fees for Reference and Interlibrary Loan Services to Non-UMBC Clients
Scope: Many resources and services of UMBC's Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery are available without charge to corporations and individuals who are not UMBC students, faculty or staff. The following labor-intensive special services are available for fees:
Reference/Research Consulting:
$90/hr., billed in increments of 15 minutes.
Intended for in-depth assistance on research problems and requests for staff to provide information rather than assist users to find information themselves.
Staff assisted data-base searches on metered databases, with requestor present: charges from data-base supplier and $90/hr. for staff time, billed in 15 minute increments.
User is informed of fee structure and agrees to pay for services in advance.
Interlibrary Loans:
Registered special borrowers and USMAI alumni:
may use the ILL service for a fee of $15 per filled request ($5.00 for materials borrowed within the USMAI),
will also be required to pay any additional costs that may be charged by the supplying institution.
By placing request requestor acknowledges they will be held responsible for return of borrowed materials and payment.
By placing request requestor acknowledges and agrees to pay all costs incurred to obtain material. (They will be contacted if cost is above the norm.)
Loans are delivered to Circulation desk for pickup on receipt of payment.
Not all materials circulate; lending institutions determine loan period and circulation status.
Articles are delivered electronically to requestor's email address on receipt of payment.
Materials held at UMBC:
Books - if material is found in the local collection requestor will be notified. Paging system to retrieve material is not available.
Articles - electronic document delivery of UMBC held articles will be $5.00 per article.
Due upon receipt of services; further services denied until previous bills are settled.
Method: All charges must be paid by check made out to UMBC.
Guideline drafted 12/2/97, revised 12/11/97, 12/15/97. L. Wilt, revised 7/31/12. R. Moskal
Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian