Guideline 253 - Loan of UMBC Library Materials
Outlined below are the periods for which Library materials owned by the UMBC Library may be loaned to individuals for use inside or out of the Library building. [See Library guideline 259 for inter-institutional Interlibrary Loan.] Loan of library materials is defined under this guideline as temporary transfer from the UMBC Library to the individual borrower of control and sole responsibility for safekeeping and timely return.
Loans are generally renewable upon application to the Library unit which originally made the loan.
1a) Books from the general circulating collection:
UMBC undergraduates | 28 days |
UMBC Honors undergraduates | 56 days |
UMBC graduate students | 56 days |
UMBC faculty | next April 1* |
UMBC staff | next April 1* |
USMAI undergraduates | 28 days |
USMAI graduate students | 56 days |
USMAI faculty and staff | next April 1* |
UMBC Special Borrowers | 28 days |
USMAI special borrowers | no loan |
non- USMAI reciprocal borrowers | 28 days |
USMAI alumni | 28 days |
All loans are subject to recall after a minimum loan of 14 days has elapsed.
* due date changes on March 1 to the succeeding April 1
1b) General Guidelines for Circulation of Materials in the Leisure Reading Collection:
The Leisure Reading Collection is a collection of non-fiction and fiction books. These books circulate with the following guidelines:
Books from the Leisure Reading Collection will circulate to current UMBC students, staff, and faculty only.
There will be no holds or recalls for books in the collection.
The books will circulate to current UMBC students, staff, and faculty for 28 days with one possible renewal.
Patrons may have up to five books from the Leisure Reading Collection checked out at one time.
Regular book fines apply for overdue items in the collection.
2a) Reference materials (all formats except government documents):
Not loaned for use outside the Library except with special written permission by a Reference Librarian.
2b) Reference -- Federal and State documents (all formats)
Loaned at Reference Librarian's discretion using the general circulating collection guideline (see section 1 above).
3) Special Collections materials:
Not loaned for use outside the Special Collections reading area. Additional restrictions on use may apply [see Library guideline 265].
4) Slides:
UMBC undergraduate students | for class period in which slides are needed |
UMBC graduate students | for class period in which slides are needed |
UMBC faculty | 28 days |
UMBC staff | 28 days |
5) Serials (journals, newspapers):
Journals must remain in the Library with the following limited exceptions:
UMBC faculty and staff:
May borrow up to six (6) journal issues (physical items) for a maximum of 2 hours for use elsewhere outside the Library. There is no overnight loan of journals and items may not be loaned within 2 hours of the time the Serials service desk closes.
(1) user must present a valid UMBC faculty/staff ID card Note: Graduate students and TAs/RAs without faculty ID may not sign out journals.
(2) user completes "2 hour faculty journal circulation" form to remove items from library.
(3) Serials staff retain user's ID card while item is on loan.
(4) When the item is returned, staff log it back in on the form and (only then) return the ID.
UMBC students:
Only with written certification from an UMBC faculty member that the student needs to show the journal in class, a student may borrow the specified issue(s) for the specified class period. The student must complete a retrieval slip and Serials staff will retain the student's ID during the loan.
6) Audiovisual Materials
Only current UMBC faculty, staff and students may checkout audio visual materials except for certain specific titles designated permanently as non-circulating items or temporarily as course reserves which may only be used in the Library. Non-affiliated patrons may use audiovisual materials in the Library.