Guideline 260 - Reserves

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 260 - Reserves

Certain library materials for which faculty or staff anticipate exceptionally frequent use are given  "on reserve" status so as to facilitate an appropriately rapid circulation.  This ensures that a maximum number of users will have access to reserve item(s) within a  limited time.

Ordinarily, staff place an item on reserve at the request of a faculty member who plans to require that a class read the item as a course assignment.  (For purposes of this policy, "reading" is understood to encompass listening, viewing, or other appropriate uses.)
Materials requested to be placed on reserve are physically removed from the general collection in which they are ordinarily kept (for example an entire book) and then held on reserve at a service desk.  Alternatively, the original item may be copied (for example a journal article or a sound recording) and the copy(ies) held on reserve while the original is returned to its appropriate location.

1.) Submission of requests:

To expedite the processing of course reserves in order to better serve both faculty and students, submit all requests through UCORES.  This name stands for UMBC Course Reserve System.

Course reserve material for a semester must be submitted by the following dates in order to ensure that the material is available the first day of class:
Fall Semester - July 31
Spring Semester - December 20
Staff cannot guarantee that reserves received after these dates will be ready for the first day of classes. Please provide material for Winter and Summer semesters as early as possible. 

Reserves received after the above dates or after classes start may take as long as two weeks before processing is completed.

If the library does not own an item, additional time must be allowed for ordering and processing. (These items are given priority in our Acquisitions and Technical Services units.)

Requests are dated by UCORES as they are input into the system, put into a queue, and processed in turn. All reserve requests are important, and this method is equitable to all. We will do everything possible to make course reserves available as soon as we can.

1. For class notes, exams, or other small articles that are being regularly updated and that the students will need immediately, we suggest using a binder to organize these items.
2. Books designated as Special Collections cannot be put on reserve.
3. Books owned by another library cannot be put on reserve at UMBC.
4. We suggest that if there is only one copy of a book to be placed on reserve, it should be given a 2 hour or 3 hour loan. 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days loan periods are also available. When a reserve item is overdue, staff will make every effort to have the patron return the item, including assessing large fines.
5. At the end of the semester, reserve materials will be returned to the faculty member. If faculty plan to use these materials again, it is highly suggested that returned material be kept for faster processing.
6. Things professors can do to help staff process reserves faster: 
- Retrieve journals or books from the stacks and bring them to the Circulation desk with the Reserve Ticket from the UCORES system or clearly labeled with Professor's name and course number.
- Make copies of the articles needed.
Staff is willing do these things if the professor is not able, but they do involve extra steps that will increase processing time.

1. Materials for Electronic Reserves may be submitted in either hard copy (paper) form, electronic form via email, or via computer disk. Remember that paper copies will have to be scanned by the Circulation staff, so please provide the cleanest copies possible and allow for processing time.
2. Please be aware of the library's copyright policy when submitting items for electronic reserve.
3. It is the professor's responsibility to distribute passwords for electronic reserves and assure that only currently enrolled students are given that password. Passwords are provided to the instructor via e-mail as soon as material is available in Electronic Reserves.
4. Things professors can do to help staff process reserves faster:
- Make photocopies of the readings needed to be scanned. 
- Bring them to the Circulation desk with the Reserve Ticket from the UCORES system.
Staff is willing do these things if the professor is not able, but they do involve extra steps that will increase processing time.

The Library Media Department is located on the second floor of the library. It houses many music and film resources including record albums, cassette tapes, compact discs, video cassettes, DVDs, laser discs and the equipment needed for viewing or listening to these materials. A faculty member may place any item located in the Media Department on reserve. If you would like to be sure an item is available for your class, we suggested you place the item on reserve.
1. Personally owned copies of audiovisual media may also be placed on reserve.
2. Recordings of course lectures may be put on reserve in Media. Please allow 1 business day after the lecture is taped for it to be available in the library. 
3. We do not dub tapes or burn copies of CDs for you. If you do not want to place your own original media on reserve, you must provide us with a legally made copy.
4. If you have a large class, you may want to place multiple copies of an item on reserve in Media.

2.) Borrowing procedures for Hardcopy & Media Reserve items:

Although library materials are ordinarily placed on reserve for reading by students enrolled in particular UMBC courses, sometimes faculty, other students, or other users may have legitimate need to read items that have been placed on reserve for a course in which they are not presently enrolled.   

Therefore, all registered UMBC borrowers and persons with reciprocal borrowing privileges may borrow reserve items by:
Appearing in-person at the appropriate service desk
 (advance "reservations"  are not accepted)
 Providing acceptable identification [see Library Guideline 202
 Completing the appropriate borrowing form (if necessary)  to indicate the reserve item(s) desired

 To prevent individuals from monopolizing reserve readings that other persons are also required to read in a short time, borrowing of reserve items is limited as follows:
  - from Circulation/Reserve unit  -- 4 items at once
  - from Library Media  -- 2 items at once in house, 10 items at once overnight
  - from Slide Library   -- as required for class

3.) Return of borrowed Hardcopy & Media Reserve items:

Reserve items must be returned to the lending unit by the time and date specified when first borrowed.  Units may require that items be returned directly to desk staff, rather than laid on a desk surface, or placed in an unattended book return.  This requirement is to ensure immediate clearing of loan records and immediate availability to the next borrower.

To promote prompt return of reserve materials within the loan period and thus ensure equitable availability to other students in turn, overdue fines have been established as outlined in Library policy 251.  Replacement and processing costs also apply as outlined in that policy.  

Failure to return reserve items can seriously hinder the academic progress of other students and may constitute obstruction, disruption of, or interference with an academic activity of the University.  Accordingly, the Library reserves the right to prosecute violators under the UMBC Student Conduct Code, § V.I.   

policy compiled, revised 10/26/92
editorial clarifications 3/25/94
revised 7/29/09, 8/18/09

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian