Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Digital Scholarship Services
Key Websites and References
Metadata Chart:
UUID searching: Add the UUID to the following URL[UUID] i.e.
Proxy Prefix for Off-Campus Access (limited access)
Emergencies and Problems
Adding Embargoes and Fixing Special Characters
Reference: Unicode Tables or Unicode Character Search
Procedure: Adding embargoes
Procedure: Fixing Special Characters
Titles, Abstracts, Rights, Rights URI, and Embargoes
As necessary, transfer alternative titles and embargoes from the notes to the appropriate column; complete the rights and fill in the rights URI column based on the content of the rights; if there is no abstract check for one or an alternative summary of the work, and if you find something, fill it in.
Creative Commons Public Domain Mark: Common Rights Notes and link to CC Public Domain Mark
Languages, Types, DOIs, Sponsors, and Conferences
Tutorial on Records, Works, and Finding Information:
Procedure: Filling in Titles, Abstracts, Languages, Types, DOIs, Sponsors, and Conferences
Reference: Language codes for non-English languages can be found in the 2nd column on this page ISO 639-2 Language Code List - Codes for the representation of names of languages (Library of Congress)
Coversheets, Files, Dates, and Extent
Use the Documentation: File Combination Tool
If the dc.format.extent column is blank, add the extent.
Check the value given in the column. If it’s not the YEAR-MO-DY format, put it in that format. If it’s blank, add it using the YEAR-MO-DY format.
Coversheet Template:
Coversheet files:
Authors, Collections, ORCIDs
Use the Documentation: Author Details Update Tool
Collections File:
ORCID and Collections Excel Spreadsheet:
ORCID and Collections Google Doc: Authors, ORCIDs & Collections
Tutorial on ORCID Searching: (Word File)
Procedure: Adding Authors, Collections and ORCIDs to a Spreadsheet
Formats, Versions, Publishers
Citation tutorial #1:
Citation tutorial #2:
Tutorial on keywords
Combining Sets and Moving works from Zotero to a Spreadsheet
Works that must go on the same record and works that must go on separate records
Vendors/Platforms that are Paywall Protected unless on a Creative Commons License
Procedure: Processing Works Using Zotero
Procedure: Kerri's Processing Procedure
Procedure: Sreyas' Processing Procedure
Tutorial on Free Works: (Word file)
Tutorial on Jisc Open Policy Finder: (Word File)
Tutorial on finding policies on publisher’s websites:
Completing a Load and Sending to Tech Support
Instructions for installing Ubuntu and the SAFBuilder:
Training Material
Library Student Assistant Manual (with out-of-date portions removed)
Checking Work
Standard Communication with Faculty
ETD Procedures for Special Collections
ETD Load Procedures
Other Procedures
Affiliation Checking for Increasing Citation Counts
Structure--Setting Up Collections
Editing Metadata (for catalogers)
(for ILL and Special Collections, Word Document Download)
Public Libguides Created and Maintained by Digital Scholarship Services
Old Inputting Training Materials
Empty Spreadsheet:
(Word file)
(Excel file)
Old/Out-of-Date Procedures
Procedure: Using Zotero to collect works to be loaded
Adding a Work To ScholarWorks@UMBC (not working from spreadsheet)
Preparing a Spreadsheet of Items to Enter (Full Procedure) (updated 9/8/20)
Versions Quiz (Word file)
Conference Papers and Presentations (Word file)
Related content
Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian