Checking Inputting

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Checking Inputting

Search all items to ensure that they've been entered. If there is more than 1 item with the same title, check to see if a duplicate record might have been entered.

When checking work done by a trainee, every detail must be checked on every record until the person is doing the work correctly for a few days. After that, give special attention to things that they might not have encountered.

When checking work done by someone trained to do the work, spot check, by checking one detail in each record. Don't follow the order given here, but start with something different each time. When spot checking, if you find an error, check the element in other items where the error might also have occurred. If a pattern of making that same error emerges, ask the person to go through their work and fix. Otherwise, note the correction on the appropriate line on the spreadsheet. If there are 4 error free works in row, skip detail checking on the next 2 records.

Check the coversheet

  • Ensure that the coversheet is accurate and complete.

  • Ensure that cc licenses match what's given on the work and the spreadsheet.

Check the authors

  • Ensure that roughly the same authors are given on the spreadsheet, on the work, and in the record.

  • Check that all authors are entered.

  • If there are more than 10 authors, check that et al is included, and check the full item record to ensure the full list of authors has been added. 

Look over the short record

  • Ensure that items have been added link only, pdf only, or link and pdf as specified on the spreadsheet. 

  • Check that any special characters in the title, citation, or abstract that haven’t moved into MD-SOAR correctly have been corrected.

  • Check that details match what's given on the spreadsheet and any notes given on the spreadsheet have been tended to.

  • Check that links and DOI's are properly formatted and working links and that they aren't proxy server links.

  • Check for special characters not properly rendering in the title, citation, and abstract.

  • Check for a date and extent.

  • Check the abstract to ensure it's actually a summary. If there's not an abstract included, check for a summary that should have been included.

Check the Publisher's record

  • Look for any supplemental information that should have been included on the record but wasn't

Check the full item record

  • Check for a sponsor. If there's not and it's an academic work, check the work for one that should have been added.

  • Check for a conference. If there's not and if the format is conference papers and proceedings, presentations, or posters, check to see if there's one that should have been added.

  • Check the publisher against what's given on the spreadsheet.

  • Ensure that all collections appear in the dc.relation.ispartof element.

  • Check that any alternate titles have been entered.

Check record updates

  • If there are record updates, ensure that everything that should have been updated has been updated.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian