Approving and Mapping New Submissions

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Approving and Mapping New Submissions

  1. Follow the link in the notice and login to MD-SOAR.

  2. Scroll down to Workflow Tasks, and below that, Tasks in the Pool.

  3. Click on the box next to the new submission.

  4. Click "Take Selected Tasks."

  5. Scroll down to Workflow Tasks and Tasks You Own. Click on the new submission.

  6. Insure that the submission includes a file or a link to the work. Make sure link works.

  7. Insure the the submitter is the author of the submission, and if not, that they have included a license that the author signed.

  8. If the item is published, check the publisher's policy and make sure the submission is compliance. 

  9. Check for any omitted metadata and add.

  10. Note if the submission includes licenses or informed consent documents. If so, these will be hidden later.

  11. Scroll to the bottom and click "Approve Item.".

  12. If this was the first approval, item will remain in Workflow Tasks. Repeat steps 2-6. This time when you scroll to the bottom, click "Commit to Archive."

  13. Using the main search box, search for the item.

  14. When you've located the record for it, click "Edit this Item."

  15. If there are required statements or an embargo, add them. If on a Creative Commons license, ensure the metadata matches the version and type.

  16. If you have licenses or informed consent documents that need to be hidden: 1. Click item bitstreams. 2. Click on "view" for each document that needs to be hidden, and save the document(s) after they open on your computer. 3. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Upload New Bitstream." 4. In the Bundle drop-down, select license. Click "Browse" to locate the file(s) on your computer. 5. Click "upload.". 6. Check the box next to the item you just uploaded where it appears in the Bundle: Original Section. 7. Scroll to the bottom and click "Delete Bitstreams." 8. The system asks if you're sure. Click "Delete" again.

  17. Click on "Item Metadata."

  18. In the Name drop-down, select dc.relation.ispartof.

  19. Determine if the what collections the item should be in and add it to the dc.relation.ispartof element. .Minimally, this will be a status collection such as "Faculty Collection,' plus the person's departmental collection. Navigate to the collection you're adding in another window. Copy and paste its name into the dc.relationispartof value box. Keep the window with the department open.

  20. Click "Add New Metadata."

  21. Scroll to the bottom and click "Update."

  22. Go the window where you found the collection that you're adding. Click "Item Mapper."

  23. Using the item mapper search box, search for the item you just approved. Bibliographic information is in the e-mail you received.

  24. Locate the item in the search results list and click the box next to it.

  25. Click "Map Selected Items"

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian