Adding Authors, Collections and ORCIDs to a Spreadsheet

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Adding Authors, Collections and ORCIDs to a Spreadsheet

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*When working on a set of a particular faculty member's works, always handle that person as a UMBC author weather their affiliation is given on the work as UMBC or not.

  • If authors aren’t filled in, fill them in.

  • Add any contributors or advisors. Specify the role of contributors in a note in the dc.description column.

Collections and ORCID: UMBC Directory Collections Excel file

*Put one collection in the Collections column and the remainder in the Additional Collection column.

  1. If working on a set of a particular faculty member's work, put the abbreviation for their department in the collections column.

  2. Check the work itself for departmental affiliations and any info about the status of each author and fill in the abbreviations for what you find.

  3. For each UMBC author:

    1. Search the author in the UMBC directory to find affiliation and and status if you don't have it already. If the UMBC author is found in the directory, but there is no department or status given, google search the person plus UMBC to try to find the information. If you don't find anything, assume that it's a student and  add the student collection.  Also add the collection for any department or center listed for the person in the directory or resulting from a Google search. If any of the author's job titles includes the word graduate, it's a graduate student, and the item should be included in the student collection.

    2. If the author has any of following job titles, they are faculty, and the item should be included in the faculty collection except if the item wasn't written while they were at UMBC. If the item was not written while any of the UMBC authors were at UMBC (there is another university given as their employer on the work), do NOT include in the faculty collection.

      1. Faculty job titles: 

        1. Instructor in the job title: Instructor, Clinical Instructor, Assistant Instructor.

        2. Professor in the job title: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor; Adjunct Associate Professor; Adjunct Professor, Affiliate Assistant Professor; Affiliate Associate Professor; Affiliate Professor,Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Professor, Dental School Assistant Professor; Law School Assistant Professor; Medical School Assistant Professor; Nursing School Assistant Professor; Pharmacy School Assistant Professor; Social Work and Community Planning School Assistant Professor, Dental School Associate Professor; Law School Associate Professor; Medical School Associate Professor; Nursing School Associate Professor; Pharmacy School Associate Professor; Social Work and Community Planning School Associate Professor, Dental School Professor; Law School Professor; Medical School Professor; Nursing School Professor; Pharmacy School Professor; Social Work and Community Planning School Professor, Distinguished University Professor, Professor of the Practice, [Institution] Professor:

        3. Scientist in the job title: Assistant Staff Scientist, Associate Staff Scientist, Senior Staff Scientist, Assistant Research Scientist, etc.

        4. Research in the job title: Faculty Research Assistant, Research Associate, Research Assistant Professor; Assistant Research Scientist; Assistant Research Scholar; Assistant Research Engineer, Research Associate Professor; Associate Research Scientist; Associate Research Scholar; Associate Research Engineer, Research Professor; Senior Research Scientist; Senior Research Scholar; Senior Research Engineer.

        5. Lecturer in the job title: , Lecturer, Senior Lecturer.

        6.  Librarian

        7. Artist-in-Residence; Writer-in-Residence; Executive-in-Residence.

        8. Visiting in the job title.

        9. Emeritus in the job title

    3. If the author has a job title in the directory and you haven't identified the person as a graduate student or faculty member, the person is staff and the work should be added to the staff collection.

    4. Use ORCIDs given on the work. If there is no ORCID given on the work, search the author in ORCID. If you find an ORCID record for the author:

      1. Copy and paste their ORCID into the ORCID column. 

      2. Modify their name in the author column so that it appears how it appears in ORCID.

  4. If there are no UMBC author, but is instead about UMBC or a person affiliated with UMBC, put the item in the about UMBC Collection, and collection of the department the person is affiliated with. Don't add it to the faculty, staff, or student collections.

  5. If there are no UMBC authors, and it isn't about UMBC or a person affiliated with UMBC, it's out-of-scope and shouldn't be on a spreadsheet at all.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian