Duplicate Searching

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Duplicate Searching

  1. Login in to MD-SOAR.

  2. Copy and paste the title of the work into the "Search" box.

  3. Click the magnifying glass symbol next to the search box to perform the search.

  4. If you find nothing, remove all punctuation and special characters from the title you pasted in to the search box.

  5. If you don't find anything, ensure that you removed all punctuation and special characters. If you still find nothing, skip to step 8, "If you didn't find a record with the same title.."

  6. If the title you're looking for is at or near the top, skip to step 9, "Ensure the MD-SOAR item you found matches what you're searching for..."

  7. If you have too many results and the title you're looking for isn't near the top, refine your search. Click "Show Advanced Filters." Copy and paste the title into the title box. Click the plus sign symbol to add a new filter. Select author, and copy and paste an author into the search box for the author filter. Then click "Go." 

  8. If you didn't find a record with the same title, the item is not in the system and the entry isn't a duplicate.

  9. Ensure the MD-SOAR item you found with the same title matches what you're searching for by comparing the titles, authors, and formats.

    1. Author and title don't match: It's not the same work and not a duplicate

    2. Author, title, and format all match: It's the same work and a duplicate.

    3. Author and title match but format doesn't: ask Michelle for help.

  10. Repeat for each new submission.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian