Google Alerts

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Google Alerts

To set up Google Alerts:

Conduct a search in Google Scholar for UMBC. Click on alerts.

Print the alerts. Also keep the e-mail in a folder for Google Scholar Alerts.

When an alert is received, for each item:

  1. Using the Google Scholar E-mail, check if the item is appropriate for inclusion in ScholarWorks@UMBC. Click on the item summary in the email to see what Google Scholar actually has.

    1. If the item says Proquest Dissertation Publishing, cross it out on the printout. UMBC ones will automatically be sent to UMBC by Proquest and batch loaded. Other institutions are out of scope.

    2. If the item is a CV cross it out on the printout. We don’t want to add these to ScholarWorks@UMBC.

    3. If the item is an obituary, unless the subject is someone affiliated with UMBC, cross it out on the print out. We don’t want to add obituaries to ScholarWorks unless the subject is affiliated with UMBC.

    4. If the item is a patent application, cross it off on the printout. We don’t add these to ScholarWorks@UMBC.

    5. If the item is just description of grant funded project cross it off on the printout. We don’t add those to ScholarWorks@UMBC.

    6. If the item is just an abstract without the full work, cross it off the printout. We don't add those to ScholarWorks.

    7. Check that at least one author is affiliated with UMBC. Sometimes the UMBC is hitting on it appearing somewhere else in the work and there are no authors affiliated with UMBC. Often, the authors’ affiliation is included in the item in Google Scholar. If not, use the UMBC directory, here, http://www.umbc.edu/search/directory// to determine.



  1. On the printout, note if there is a paywall. This includes when there is UMBC branding on the publisher’s page, indicating we subscribe to it, or if the full text is only available if you pay a fee. Also note “Full Text not available” if there no way to access the full text.

  2. Determine if the copyright holder allow the item to be submitted into ScholarWorks@UMBC and the terms. As soon as you find the information needed, move to step 4.

    1. See if there is a creative commons license on the work itself. If so, go to the Creative Commons website, here, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ to find out what it means. All allow us to post in the repository, but works with a share-alike license should have the same license in MD-SOAR that is on the work. Go ahead and do the submission. Add your screenshot of the cc info on the work as a license. Record “Loaded” on the printout.

    2. If the item was submitted to ArXiv, ask the UMBC author(s) permission to add the item to ScholarWorks@UMBC. The license will be composed of a screen shot of this page: https://arxiv.org/help/ir stating that submission can be pulled into IR’s with the author’s permission, along with a screenshot of the author’s emailed permission.

    3. See if you can find a policy searching by journal name in Scherpa/Romeo, here: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php

    4. Check the Hard to Find policy list, here: Policies on File



  1. Email the publisher and ask. Record “vendor emailed” and date on the printout of the alerts.

  2. If the item can’t be loaded and full-text isn’t available online for free (without a subscription) to link to, cross it off and move to the next item.

  3. If there is an embargo period, record the date and the length of the embargo on the printout and move to the next item.

  4. If the publisher grants the right to put the full text of any version in repositories, and you have the full text, add to MD-SOAR without communicating with the author. Add your screenshot of the publisher’s info stating it can be added as a license. Record “Loaded” on the printout.

  5. Communicate with the author for permission and/or files or anything else needed. Record “emailed” and date on the printout. Include a link to the Scherpa page or publisher policy stating we can include their work in MD-SOAR.

    1. If necessary, ask for the files for the version of the work that can go in MD-SOAR. Many publishers only allow pre-prints, but the full text online is not a pre-print, not full text, or behind a paywall.

    2. If a pdf of the work is available online as a version that can be added and the publisher says you need the author’s permission, just ask the author for permissions.

Example Emails:

Hi Manesh and George,

UMBC recently implemented a digital repository, ScholarWorks@UMBC, here: https://mdsoar.org/handle/11603/14. We're trying to add more publications so that ScholarWorks better showcases what we do at UMBC. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to include your journal article "Enhancing spatial query results using semantics and multiplex networks " in ScholarWorks@UMBC? Adding the article to ScholarWorks@UMBC will extend access to it beyond the ACM Digital Library subscribers to the world via Google Scholar increasing citations and impact.

Per ACM, the accepted perr-reviewed version can be placed on institutional repositories (http://authors.acm.org/main.html), so if you're wiling, please email me that version, and I'll add being certain to adhere to their policies.



Hi Sebastian

UMBC recently implemented a digital repository, ScholarWorks@UMBC, here: https://mdsoar.org/handle/11603/14. We're trying to add more faculty publications so that ScholarWorks better showcases what we do at UMBC. 


I'm wondering if you'd give me permission to put your pre-print paper recently deposited to ArXiv, Toward Understanding Connections between Security/Privacy Attitudes and Unlock Authentication, in ScholarWorks@UMBC? 


If your ok with it also appearing in ScholarWorks@UMBC, simply reply yes. Thanks. 




  1. If the author tells you not to include the item in MD-SOAR, cross it off on the printout and move to the next item.

  2. If the author provides what is needed, submit to MD-SOAR, adding a screenshot of their email and the Scherpa/Romeo record or publisher policy indicating it’s allowed as a license (use the link that you put in your email to them)

  3. If item can’t be submitted into ScholarWorks, because the publisher said no or the author said no or didn’t respond after a month, and full text is available for free online (be mindful of items that appear to be available for free but that we have access to because the library subscribes to them as they aren’t really free—in these instances you’ll some kind of UMBC branding on the page), enter the item with a link to the full-text document where it resides, without uploading any file. Record “Loaded” on the printout.


When the entire set of notices is completed, if there are items with an embargo period or awaiting responses, keep the printout in a folder, and the alert in a Google Scholar Alerts “Waiting” folder.

When you receive responses, be sure to record them on the printout and process accordingly.

Go through the folder at least once a month completing items where you haven’t received a response in  a month and where the embargo period has expir

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian