Off Campus Equipment Loan
Off Campus Equipment Loan
Initiate an Off Campus Equipment Loan Request
Employees working from home may request a device to be taken off campus for work purposes.
How to fill out the form:
- When requesting for an equipment to be taken off campus, the Submitter must select whether they are submitting the request on behalf of someone or not.
- If submission IS being made on behalf of the borrower:
- Upon entering the form, the submitter will fill out the borrower's information.
- After the submitter has finished filling out the borrowers information, it will be passed on to the borrower to be validated.
- After the borrower has finished validating the information that the submitter has input to the form, it will be passed on to the property custodian to be reviewed.
- After the property custodian finished validating the information that the information is correct, it will be passed on to the approver to be approved.
- Last but not least, the approver will approve the form if all information entered are valid and correct.
- If submission is NOT being made on behalf of the borrower (the borrower is submitting the form themselves):
- Upon entering the form, the borrower will fill out their own information.
- After the borrower has finished filling out the information, it will be reviewed by the property custodian.
- Steps 4 and 5 of the latter scenario will be followed.
- If the submitter is not the borrower, then the submitter has to enter the campus id or employee id of the borrower and select their department.
- If the submitter is the borrower, then the select their department.