

This form is for departments to report lost equipment to Inventory Control.

How to fill out this form:

Web Form:

  • To begin the DocuSign/RT process click here click here

  • Click here to check the custodian for a department in the custodian list. You can also find this list by looking at the useful links on the top right of the DocuSign page.

  • Enter the names of the custodian and approver and their email addresses.

  • Choose Lost in the Reason for Adjustment dropdown menu.

  • Look up the department by the department number or name.

Docusign Form:

Attach a Memo from the Chairperson explaining the lost.

Complete the following attributes for each equipment:

  • UMBC Tag#

  • Item Description

  • Serial Number 

Overall Process:

After the form is approved Inventory Control updates Asset Management and resolves the ticket.