Sending EDI Orders

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Sending EDI Orders

  1. Login to Aleph.

  2. Open the Order List by clicking on the folder icon in the main tab.

  3. In the "Index" drop-down, select "AON" for additional order number.

  4. In "Enter Starting Point" box, input the additional order number which will be following the "#" on an attached post-it note.

  5. Set "Order Status" to "SV"

  6. Click "Refresh filter."

  7. Use the arrow buttons to count the number of orders to insure they match the number in hand.

  8. Go back to the first order on the list and select it.

  9. Go to the vendor tab.

  10. Change the vendor from BC-PREEDI to BC-BNAEDI by selecting it from the vendor list (the orders don't work if you type it in).

  11. Insure that the order delivery changes to LI.

  12. Click "Update."

  13. Click "Send."

  14. You should get the message "Order will be printed when batch service is run," which indicates that it will go in the next batch of EDI orders.

  15. Return to the Order List by clicking on the folder icon and repeat 7-14 for each order.

  16. When all of the orders are done, refresh the order list filter to insure that there are no BC-PREEDI orders remaining.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian