E-book Ordering

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

E-book Ordering

E-book Ordering

Ebook ordering in Gobi (ebook must be able to be filled by EBSCO, JSTOR, Project Muse, Wiley)
  1. You can retrieve ebook requests from GOBI the same way you retrieve books.

  2. Search title in USMAI catalog using normal procedures

  • If there is a bib record match, make note of the system number.

  • Click on “enter order details”. Include the system number if you have one. Fill in ebook parameters.

  • Click “add to order cart”.

  • Once all ebooks have been added to your cart, click “order cart” in the top right corner of your screen.

  • Click on “order green lights”. Every ebook will come up as an exception, because they are considered non-returnable in GOBI. You will have to click override for each item. Then click “order green lights” again.

  • You can only order ebooks through GOBI if there is a contact on file. Currently we are able to order items from EBSCO, JSTOR and Project Muse. In GOBI, you will see a YES under “contract on file” in the ebook record. Also, we only order items for 1-user.


A. ILL ebooks ordered through GOBI (will have fund code LG-ILL and will appear in both Illiad and GOBI)

    a. After you have placed an ebook order through GOBI an email will be sent with the access url for the book. Patrons can use this while waiting for the item to be fully cataloged. From the email, copy the url for the title and paste it into the notes field in Illiad and route accordingly (Rush ebook ordered – ACQ). Also send the Lidia and Robin the url so they can forward it to the patron. Repeat this for all Ill ebooks in the email.

B. If this was a regular request for an ebook through GOBI, but the patron asked to be notified:

   a. You need to send the patron an email. Email should tell them that we own a copy of the ebook but a catalog record is not available. Paste in the url and let them know this will provide them access to the title until the catalog record is available. If they have any questions they can email Robin.

   b. CC Robin on the email.


Ebook ordering from other Vendors (Cengage, Oxford University Press)
  1. There will be some sort of email from Drew letting you know what he has ordered.

  2. If there is a licensing issue to get the ebooks an email needs to be sent to Joyce. Her and the campus attorney will handle this before you can proceed with the order.

  3. Search the titles in the USMAI catalog using normal procedures.  If there is a duplicate, let Drew know immediately.

  4. If a bib record is found, make note of the system number and attach the order to that record in Aleph.       

  5. If we do not own the title, acq create a record to attach the order too.

  6. Send the orders, with a copy of Drew’s email, to Michelle to sign as usual.

  • When the invoice for the items has arrived (some will be emailed to you, some will come regular mail), verify our access is ready and have Joyce stamp the invoice. GALE sends you an email letting you know your access is available. Tiffany can check for OUP.

  • After access is verified and invoices are stamped, please make a copy of the invoice. We need to have one copy that can be written on and one clean copy, per normal procedure. Original goes with your VISA paperwork

  • Enter the invoice into Aleph and receive the items according to proper procedure. Put all paperwork where it needs to be.

  • Give a copy of the Aleph PO to Tiffany.


Paying Invoices
YBP ebook invoices
  1. Invoices arrive via U.S. mail (already electronically sent to Aleph)

  2. Make a photocopy (has to be 1 clean copy)

  3. Joyce will need to stamp

  4. Arrive the items in Aleph and “R” the invoice as normal.


Other Vendor ebook invoices (GALE, OUP)
  1. Gale and Oxford are done fairly easily with credit card – over the phone or fax. NO EMAIL PAYING

  2. If over $5000 a requisition is needed along with a sole source letter


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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian