Previous Fiscal Year Procurement Card Charges

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Previous Fiscal Year Procurement Card Charges

Each fiscal year, some VISA transactions are not entered in Aleph in the fiscal year during which they were received after closeout had been done.

  • Wait for the Head of A & R to reconcile the previous fiscal year and give us any additional book or serial charges from the previous fiscal year. Also insure that you have all previous fiscal year VISA charges not entered into Aleph.

  • When creating the invoices in Aleph for those items, change the budget to "BC-PREV-**" (** is the NEW fiscal year).

  • "R" all of those invoices on the same day, and try not to "R" any other invoices that day.

  • Make a note on each invoice to predate when "P" so that they do not show up on a P report in the wrong fiscal year. 

  • When the "R" report comes out the next day, confirm the invoices as usual. Also insure that all of the charges are on the budget BC-PREV-**. Give the "R" report to the Acquisitions Librarian to get the BC-PREV-** balance and transactions from Aleph.

  • The BC-PREV-**** balance and transactions are given to the Head of Accounting & Receiving along with the invoices.

  • The invoices are paid in Aleph as usual.

  • When the "P" report and budget summary come out the next day, they need to be balanced AFTER subtracting the BC-PREV-** total from the "P" report total, as the BC-PREV-** transactions are NOT INCLUDED in the budget summary for the current fiscal year. The "P" report is annotated to indicate the BC-PREV-**, transaction, and to show their total and the report total minus the BC-PREV-** total.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian