Procedures - Information Sharing

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Procedures - Information Sharing

Procedures for calling out sick

  • If you need to call out due to illness or another emergency (e.g. car troubles), please send an email to scstaff-group@umbc.edu to inform all managers and personnel who can then make arrangements to cover the shift.

  • You may also call Special Collections at 410-455-2353 and leave a voice mail, which are checked every day.

Procedures for shifts you may not be able to work

  • If for some reason you cannot work a particular day when you are scheduled you need to try and find someone to cover the shift.

  • You can email scstaff-group@umbc.edu requesting to switch times with other staff person

  • There is also a dry-erase board on the counter where you sign the time sheets, where you can leave a message requesting that someone switch with you or pick up the extra time

It is important that you try to cover all shifts, especially those during open hours for the students.

IN/OUT Board

This dry-erase board is located on the front desk.  It contains the names of all staff members with magnetic dots by each name. When you come in, please move the dot to the proper column (IN) and again when you leave for the day (OUT).

If you take a break or go to lunch write this in the comment box and estimate the time you will be returning.  This will aid in message taking and allow others to know if you are somewhere within the building.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian