Library Leave Request Form

  • Purpose


    • UMBC offers employees a variety of leave benefits designed to accommodate personal and professional needs.  Availability of benefits are based upon eligibility and category of employment. Use this form to file a request for leave benefits.

  • Workflow


    • Initiator → Approver

  • How to fill out the form


    • First, use the drop-down to select the type of leave, located underneath the heading "First Request".

      • This will reveal a number of input boxes to the right of the drop-down; use these to enter in the dates leave will be taken, the amount of hours, and (optionally) the leave balance remaining after this leave.

    • After this initial row is filled out, a second row will appear under the heading "Second Request", which can be filled out in much the same manner. Up to four separate leave requests can be submitted at a time on a single form.

    • Do note, however, that all requests on a single form must fall within the same pay period: if they don't, please complete a separate form, one corresponding to each separate pay period.

    • After you've finished filling out the leave request(s), scroll to the search bar at the bottom, under the heading "

      Search For Your Supervisor by Department", and begin to type in your department; this will reveal the list of departments that match whatever you've typed in so far. Select the department you want from this list, and then find your supervisor in the drop-down menu under that department heading, which will populate the Approver Name and Email fields automatically.

    • Click next to transfer the form to DocuSign, where the names, emails, and other information can be reviewed before sending the form off to be approved and signed by your supervisor.