Library Travel Request Form
Travel Document Requests Guidelines and Policies
According to the University travel policy, staff will only get reimbursed for travel to and from work when it involves a conference that is scheduled on a normal workday. UMBC is not required to pay for mileage to a conference from home. When the request is submitted to Shawny White it should always include the backup documentation related to the conference such as conference itinerary, a google maps print out and any receipts related. Once all this has been submitted and review I will get it process and submitted to accounting. Here is a link to the UMBC Travel Policy.
Reimbursable Mileage
Mileage for approved travel for UMBC business purposes will be reimbursed. See the memorandum below for current rate information. Also, included is poc information if you have any travel questions.
A University employee who leaves the office, travels to a site, and returns to the office may be reimbursed for all mileage directly connected with the business trip (i.e., mileage from the office to the site and back to the office) because the driver will have driven the normal daily commute to and from the office by the end of the day.
A University employee who leaves home to conduct business without stopping at the assigned office may be reimbursed for all mileage directly connected with the business trip that is in excess of the commute miles normally traveled (i.e., total official miles driven minus normal daily commute miles). In this situation, the driver has not driven the normal daily commute and therefore, must subtract the normal daily commute miles from the total official miles driven.
DATE: January 7, 2020
TO: UMBC Campus Community
FROM: Linda Rothfus, Manager of Business Services
SUBJECT: Travel Reimbursement Rates as of January 1, 2020
The Chancellor has reviewed the Schedule of Reimbursement Rates for University travel found in the Board of Regents Policy VIII 11.10.
The reimbursement rate for the use of a personal vehicle has changed from 58 cents per mile to 57.5 cents per mile, which was effective January 1, 2020.
The meal reimbursement rate remains unchanged at $56.00 per day. The meal breakdown is as follows:
Breakfast $13.00
Lunch $15.00
Dinner $28.00
Foreign travel is reimbursed at the applicable U.S. Department of State Meal and Incidental Rate ( without receipts, or the actual cost with receipts.
Please call Peggy Ingle at extension 52316 if you have any questions concerning this information.