Guideline 623 - Leave Requests
State, University of Maryland, and UMBC policies govern earning and use of various types of paid and unpaid leaves. University and UMBC policies and procedures track leave balances and use of leave. The following specific guidelines are followed in the Library to facilitate supervisory approval of absence from work on leave, accurate record-keeping, maintenance of leave balances, and to ensure continued audit compliance in this important area. See: Human Resources policies regarding leave at Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at
1. Availability of Leave
Leave with pay is available to the extent earned (i.e., to the current positive balance) and permitted to be taken by University policy. Annual and sick leave cannot be taken if usage would result in a negative balance without prior written approval by the Director of the Library and Director of Human Resources in accordance with University policy. See also guideline 624 concerning University policy and procedures for advancement of leave.
2.) Staff Submission of Requests
It is the employee's responsibility to keep requests for leave within available current balances. Staff have access to the online copy of their time sheets through the MyUMBC PeopleSoft portal so they can track their leave balances and plan carefully to ensure that they are adequate fo fully cover absences from work. Therefore, prior to submitting a request for leave, staff should be certain their leave balance(s) would cover the absence. Leave should be requested as far in advance as possible.
Non-exempt staff should use the Library leave request form. Exempt staff and faculty may use alternative procedures consistent with university policy and worked out in advance with supervisors or use these procedures and the leave request form (see form attached Appendix A ). For certain "other" types of leave, e.g., military, jury, etc., appropriate supporting documents must be submitted immediately upon receipt in accord with University policies.
Staff must submit leave requests to supervisors to allow them sufficient time for careful review, investigation of arrangements for workload coverage and timely submission to the Library Administrative Offices. Staff are responsible for making a reasonable effort to assure that their supervisors receive their leave requests and for submitting leave requests (annual, personal, sick leave for medical appointments or other planned sick leave absences) with at least as much lead time as the amount of leave requested. That is:
1 day in advance for leave of one-day or less
2 days in advance for two-day leave
5 days in advance for leave of 5 days.
In units where work or desk coverage must be re-assigned to others to cover for absences, longer lead times and additional procedures for requesting anticipated leave may be required by supervisors.
Exceptions to the lead time requirement may be granted by supervisors. Normally, supervisors will grant exceptions in cases of bona-fide emergency, e.g. car trouble. Sick leave for unanticipated illnesses is normally granted without advance notice. Staff are responsible for notifying their supervisors or supervisors' designees as soon as possible in such cases, using procedures established within the unit.
3.) Supervisory Review of Requests
The supervisor must ascertain that the leave requested will neither cause a critical staffing shortage nor pose significant impediment to the operations of the unit or department. Approval of leave requested is not automatic and may be refused by the supervisor or unit head (exception: requests for personal leave to attend religious observances must be honored when lead time requirements are fulfilled). Unit heads and supervisors are charged to consider carefully the effects of anticipated unit workloads (e.g., seasonal peaks for the unit during academic semesters or at other times), and any previously approved leave requests from other staff, in making determinations to recommend approval or disapproval of leave requests and their scheduling. For example, 5 consecutive days leave requested during a period of peak workload will quite probably not receive approval. Staff should therefore check with supervisors and receive approval of leave requests before making travel reservations.
4.) Library Administration Approval
The supervisor or supervisor designee forwards the leave request to the Library Administrative Offices for required Library approval prior to the leave. The Library Administrative Offices will not explicitly respond unless problems are found with the leave request.
Staff with compensatory time balance should request and use compensatory time before requesting use of annual and personal leave. It may be approved or not approved by supervisors according to the standards for granting leave articulated above.
Staff with unused holiday leave (e.g., from having worked on a University observance date) must use the holiday leave before using annual and personal leave.
see also Guideline 624 "Advanced Leave"
Human Resources policies regarding leave at
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at
guidelines written 10/18/91, rev 8/13/08 LW
edited 10/2/08 LD
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