Guideline 649 - References and Employment Verification

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 649 - References and Employment Verification

Scope: For all current & former staff and student assistants, requests for employment verification/references are handled by staff in the Library Administrative Offices.

Any such request must be supported by a written release signed by the employee; without a signed release by the employee concerned, information cannot be provided.

Written requests should bear signature of staff member indicating knowledge and approval of the request, etc. for students, past staff, the evaluation forms in Library Personnel file are used to write a response.

References (i.e. evaluative, rather than simple employment verification) for Associate Staff should be turned over to supervisor or Director as appropriate.

Place a copy of completed reference together with original release form, etc. in staff member's Library personnel file.

B. In person (e.g. DOD, FBI, etc.)

  1. see badge/shield to verify ID of agent.

  2. agent will give copy of release signed by staff. Take photocopy for file.

  3. respond to questions on basis of evaluations, etc. Agent may look at staff files in office.

  4. make note for file of date, agent, gist of discussion.

C. Telephone Inquiries (most often to verify employment for credit cards, jobs,etc.)

Staff are to get name and phone number of caller and instruct the caller to supply a written signed release. Such a release may be faxed to the Administrative Offices.

When the release is received, staff must first verify that the release is signed and correct. If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the release or legitimacy of the request, staff should contact the employee concerned.

After verifying that the release is bona fide, staff should call back and supply or verify the needed information.

Staff responding to phone inquires are to take notes on the call: date, who called, their phone number and company, and the information provided.

Certain staff are outside usual practice and references may be given only in consultation with Director: Do not release/confirm any information without prior consultation.
Howard Gaines (binding legal agreement)

reference: C. Powell approval memo 5/24/91
guideline effective 5/24/91

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian