Guideline 640 - Evaluation of Library Staff

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 640 - Evaluation of Library Staff

Effective departmental performance depends upon adequate communication between supervisors and staff of expectations and assessments of individual performance. While such communication must be ongoing, it is valuable and appropriate that supervisors or other designated staff provide written, periodic performance appraisals at least annually. At the time of this written evaluation, it is anticipated that there will be few, if any surprises; that is, that previous discussions of expectations and performance will have occurred.

Evaluations should include both positive and negative comments about performance. Constructive guidance (with details as appropriate) for improvement in performance should be offered. Written evaluations must be discussed with the staff member evaluated. Attention should be given to make the evaluation discussion or interview as effective as possible in communicating between supervisor and employee. Particular attention should be paid to ensure employee and supervisor have similar understandings or clarify for each other factual details, goals and objectives, etc., as they relate to the employee's performance (see Library guideline 641). If deemed appropriate by the supervisor or employee, further discussions concerning the evaluation may be held, e.g., attended or facilitated by the Director or the Director's designee. Staff members may elect to respond in writing to specific or general content of evaluations if so desired. Copies of such a response would be forwarded with the routine distributions of the relevant completed evaluation form(s).

In addition to annual appraisals, probation and interim probation reports are provided as required by university policy (see Library guideline 642). All staff evaluations are conducted according to established University policies and procedures, including scheduling, forms, etc.

In 1992 the University of Maryland System inaugurated a new "Performance Management Process" (PMP). The PMP evaluation form and instructions for evaluation of Exempt and Non-exempt staff members incorporates the general principles of effective performance appraisal.




guideline revised 2/7/91, 9/30/92, 20090901, 2012 LW

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian