Guideline 620 - Staff Work Schedules

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 620 - Staff Work Schedules

The Library must be open for operation many hours throughout the week to fulfill its mission of service to the University and community. In order to provide coverage of service points during open hours, therefore, the work schedules of individual Library staff vary from each other and over time, sometimes considerably.

It is the supervisor's responsibility to establish work schedules with staff and to notify each supervised employee of his or her work schedule. Such notification shall be in writing. When establishing or changing staff work schedules, supervisors should take account of individuals' personal needs insofar as practicable (for example: class schedules or childcare arrangements), but supervisors must first ensure that all individual work schedules conduce to unit and Library objectives. Each supervisor is responsible for the presence of employees under his or her supervision during scheduled hours of work and to ensure that any absences are approved and properly reported in keeping with University regulations. Staff may not change work schedules without prior approval of their supervisor.

All staff work schedules may be changed by the supervisor giving reasonable advance notice of change or of required overtime.

With the exception of those responsible for opening the building Monday- Friday in the morning, no work schedule may begin more than 30 minutes before the opening time for the public.

 With the exception of those responsible for opening the building Saturday and Sunday, no work schedule may begin more than 15 minutes before the opening time for the public.

The supervisor is responsible for maintaining written records of staff work schedules or changes for those employees under their supervision.

USM Personnel Policies and Rules for Classified Employees, V-5.
see also Library & Gallery guideline 621

guideline originally written 9/11/92, revised 3/6/00,
3/3/03 to add 1/02 rule re opening and start of work schedule.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian