Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 641 - Library Procedures for Associate Staff Input to Evaluation & Goal Setting Process

Faculty and Staff under evaluation may be invited to present a brief written report or outline of past and/or proposed future activities in order to facilitate the performance evaluation discussion described in Library guideline 640.

As supervisors begin each Spring to consider and complete evaluations for discussion with faculty and staff, the supervisor will remind employees in writing that they may submit an optional personal assessment; alternatively, supervisors may require self assessments. This assessment should normally be of no more than one single-spaced page. The due date will be no less than one week from the date of the notice.

The personal assessment should address the activities, achievements and frustrations of the past year as well as any personal goals for the coming year. It will be attached to the final, completed PMP evaluation form (or letter evaluation in the case of faculty members; for faculty, the PMP form is not required) and placed in the personnel file.

The PMP evaluations and faculty evaluation letters should note items of significance from the personal assessments and must address disagreements, if any, with those assessments. Supervisors must also include in evaluations any mandated goals for the coming year, for areas in which improved performance is required or desired. Additional goals will be formalized, after discussion between the staff member and the supervisor, through incorporation in the subsequent year's PMP forms (or in the evaluation letter, for faculty members). While incorporation of ideas from all staff is encouraged, authority for setting goals in the workplace rests with the supervisor.

References: Library guideline 640
L. Wilt memo 4/29/91

guideline implemented 4/29/91
revised to reflect PMP 9/30/92; revised to reflect differences for Library faculty, 20090901

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian