Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

New Circulation Student Employee Checklist

A printable version of this checklist is available at I:\Circ\Student and Stacks Manager\student employee training checklist.docx

I – Administrative

  • Hiring paperwork

  • Training schedule

  • Student folder – Timesheet & Student manual

  • Student manager folder

    • Training checklist

    • Application, interview notes, contact information

    • Schedule availability

II – General Training

  • Tour of building

    • 7th floor – Meeting rooms, printer, organization of stacks

    • 6th & 5th floor

    • 4th floor – Children’s Science Collection

    • 3rd floor – Administrative offices, ASM, lounge

    • 2nd floor – Media, Serials, LITS, Honors College

    • 1st floor – Reference, Math Lab, Writing Lab, RLC, TSC

    • 1st floor – A&R, Technical Services, Paycheck pickup

    • 1st floor – Printers, copiers, drop box, LRD

    • Basement

    • Overview of call numbers and collections

  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

  • Overview of departments

  • Timesheets, breaks, and paychecks

  • Absences, time off, and schedule change requests

III – Stacks Training

IV - Circulation desk training

V – Other training

  • Using, refilling, and troubleshooting printers and photocopiers

  • LRD shelving

  • Drop box

VI – Security training (security students only)

  • Security Desk

  • Rounds

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian