Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Aleph Circulation Procedures - Patron Accounts
Confidentiality of Patron Accounts
Patron account information should never be shared with any person other than the patron. See Library Guideline 201 for more information.
There are several ways to bring up a patron's account in Aleph:
Scan the red UMBC ID or Special Borrower’s Card.
Enter the local ID from a red UMBC ID card, prefaced by ‘BC-‘.
Enter the patron's system ID (00000xxxxxxx).Look up the patron by name:
Click on the button with 3 dots on the patron line.
Enter name in this format - last name, first name - and press <Enter>.
Highlight the entry that matches the patron and click the <Select> button.
A list of subheadings in the left pane can be used to access different parts of the patron's account. Not all of these subheadings are in use. Here is a summary of the most useful subheadings:
This provides a list of all the books currently checked out to the patron, along with due dates, owning libraries, and a link to the item record for each book. To print a list of these books, see Borrower Circulation Summary.
This provides a list of all fines owed by this patron to the UMBC Library. See Fines for more information
Hold Requests
This provides a list of all currently-active hold requests for this patron. The Status will be either "in process" or "on hold". In Process books are on their way; On Hold books are currently available on a hold shelf. To see where an item is being held, click its line on the list, and then look for the Pickup Location field below the list.
Circulation Log
This provides a detailed log of all activity associated with this account.
Global Patron Information
This lists the patron's name, barcode, home library, and a few other pieces of information. A second tab also lists any blocks or notes attached to this account. See Blocks for more information.
Local Patron Information
This lists all campus affiliations for the patron, along with a status and expiration date for each. Most patrons will have two affiliations: one for the USMAI consortium, and one for their specific university (UMBC, for most of our patrons). Expired accounts can be manually renewed here, but there are few occasions where this should be done.
For a list of UMBC patron statuses, see here.
Address Information
This contains the patron's current address(es). The information here can be updated, but for most patrons, any changes will shortly be overwritten by the campus identity management system. For this reason, patrons who wish to update their address information should be advised to do so through MyUMBC.
Additional IDs
This contains a list of the various identification numbers associated with a patron - their barcode, system number, and local ID (the alphanumeric identifier on their red campus card).
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian